Search Results - Cell

Mitochondria and the Origin of Eukaryotes

The complex cells of organisms known as eukaryotes, such as the animal cell pictured here, arose more than 1.5 billion years ago. Biologists have long known that back then, one simple, bacteria-like cell engulfed another, and the new arrival settled into its host cell to eventually become what we know as the energy-generating mitochondrion. But...

Computer Science Evidence Unveils Unexpected Form Of Entanglement

Kristina Armitage for Quanta Magazine Three computer scientists have actually posted a proof of the NLTS opinion, showing that systems of knotted particles can remain challenging to analyze even away from extremes. A striking new proof in quantum computational complexity could best be comprehended with a lively idea experiment. Run a bath; after that dispose a...

France Will Require Ph.D.s To Take a Research Ethics Oath

Whether they are studying bioinformatics, history, or astrophysics, Ph.D. recipients in France will have to take an integrity oath on the day they efficiently defend their thesis in what seems to be the very first national initiative of its kind. Few scientists in France or somewhere else believe the oath alone is most likely...

Researchers May Have Discovered the Secret to Invisibility

Credit: Allard Mosk/Matthias Kühmayer We can see things because light bounces off of them. Scientists say they have discovered a manner to make light pass directly via things-- the secret to invisibility. Invisibility is not science fiction anymore. Researchers have developed a single light wave that, when emitted via an item, makes the item appear invisible...

Getting More Sleep Lowers Caloric Intake, a Game Changer For Weight Loss

A new research study examines how getting sufficient sleep affects caloric intake in a real-world setting. Understanding the fundamental causes of obesity and how to stop it is the best means to fight the obesity epidemic, according to Esra Tasali, MD, Director of the UChicago Sleep Center at the University of Chicago Medicine. "The present...

Systemic Perspective Needed for Effective Climate Risk Assessments and Adaptation Strategies

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The recently published Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on influences, adaptation, and vulnerability acknowledges that climate modification effects and dangers are becoming increasingly complex and more challenging to manage. Multiple weather dangers will happen together, and multiple climatic and non-climatic dangers will interact, resulting in worsening overall threats and...

Quantum Sensor Can Identify Electromagnetic Signs of Any Frequency

MIT researchers have developed a method to enable quantum sensors to detect any arbitrary frequency, with no loss of their ability to measure nanometer-scale features. Quantum sensors detect the most minute variations in magnetic or electrical fields, but until now they have only been capable of detecting a few specific frequencies, limiting their usefulness....

Artificial Intelligence Hears the Sound of Healthy Machines

Examples of abnormal signals. Shown are raw data, log-spectrogram, and obtained coefficient distribution per level for two abnormal measurements of the slider rail 0 at SNR 0 dB. Credit: DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2106598119 Sounds offer crucial info regarding how well a device is running. ETH scientists have now developed a new machine learning strategy that detects whether...

Nano-Sensor Detects Pesticides on Fruit in Minutes

Flame nanoparticle deposition was utilized to make robust nano-sensors that can spot pesticide residues on apple surfaces within minutes. Credit: Georgios A Sotiriou and Haipeng Li. Researchers in Sweden at Karolinska Institutet have developed a tiny sensor for spotting fruit pesticides in just a few minutes. The method, referred as a proof-of-concept in a paper...

4 Answers to Key Questions About the Monkeypox Outbreak

More than 300 people in 21 nations outside Africa have been infected with the illness. Monkeypox (orange), shown infecting monkey cells (green) in this colorized electron micrograph, has spread to multiple countries outside Africa. The large outbreak is unusual for the virus, which is transmitted by close contact. NIAID/FLICKR (CC BY 2.0) An outbreak of monkeypox...