Search Results - human

Scientists Create Squid-Inspired ‘Liquid Windows ‘

Prototypes designed and built by Kay et al. contain several layers of channels, each of which contain fluids with various optical properties; by pumping the fluids in and out of the channels, the system can optimize the type, quantity and distribution of light passing through. Credit: Raphael Kay / Adrian So. A team of scientists at...

Scientists Have Developed the First Modular Body– a Living Being That Is not Alive

francescoch//Getty Images Biologist Cornelis Vlasman imagines the body as a functioning biological LEGO system. As well as, his clickable system of swapping human organs is coming to life … if you want to define life reasonably loosely. Moreover, you are willing to suspend reality for a bit. In a (fictional) experiment, Vlasman developed OSCAR, a living,...

Can the Metaverse and Virtual Reality Contribute to Better Healthcare?

Pari Natarajan, CEO of Zinnov, a global management and consulting firm focusing on digital transformation in healthcare. Credit: Pari Natarajan An expert offers an overview of AR and VR for provider organizations and discusses what these advanced technologies might help hospitals' health systems accomplish. The metaverse and virtual reality are promising technologies that might benefit healthcare. Medical...

New Antibiotic Cures Superbugs Without Bacterial Resistance

Credit: Canva In a potential game changer for the treatment of superbugs, a brand-new class of antibiotics was developed that cured mice infected with bacteria regarded virtually "untreatable" in humans-- and resistance to the drug was undetectable. Produced by a research team of UC Santa Barbara researchers, the research study was released in the journal eBioMedicine....

Mankind May Achieve Singularity Within Only Seven Years, Trend Shows

A new metric called Time to Edit (TTE) has been developed by a translation firm to measure the time it takes for expert human editors to correct AI-generated translations in comparison to human translations. This metric could help us determine how close we are to reaching technological singularity, potentially even before the end of...

How Eyeless Centipedes Can Detect Sunlight

Centipedes (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans) can thermally detect sunlight without eyes or known photoreceptors. Credit: Shilong Yang A group of forestry professionals at Northeast Forestry College, working with two associates from Zhejiang University School of Medication, has uncovered how the Chinese red-headed centipede can detect sunlight despite having no eyes or even photoreceptors. In their paper released...

A New Ring System Found in Our Solar System

Artist impression of Quaoar's rings. Credit: Paris Observatory A group of researchers has discovered a previously unknown ring system around a dwarf planet located at the outer edge of the solar system. This ring system is unique in that it orbits much farther out than other known ring systems, which challenges current theories about the...

A Seismologist Describes the Science of the Terrible Türkiye-Syria Quake

Rescuers search the rubble in the village of Besnaya in Syria's rebel-held northwestern Idlib province, on the border with Türkiye, 6 February 2022. (Omar Haj Kadour/AFP via Getty Images) A huge quake has happened in the southeast of Türkiye, close to the border with Syria. Data from seismometers that gauge the trembling of the ground triggered by...

Ominous Green Lasers Shot Over Hawaii Did Not Come From NASA Satellite After All

A series of green laser beams seen over Hawaii in January. (National Observatory of Japan) Above the islands of Hawaii on January 28th, a green laser was seen piercing the evening sky, silently tracing a course towards the horizon such as a stutter in the Matrix's code. The scene was captured on camera from a telescope atop...

Research Study Discovers Aging of Bone Marrow Accelerates Arterial Plaque Formation

Atherogenesis is depicted in a young (a) or aged (b) host. Aged monocytes/macrophages have decreased levels of the epigenetic regulator TET2, leading to reduction of the 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) mark on the Itgb3 promoter. The resulting low integrin β3 levels in aged monocytes/macrophages induces high TNFα levels, facilitating recruitment and expansion of multiple SMC progenitors...