Search Results - Cell

MIT Researchers Devised a Means to Program Memories Into Microbial Cells by Revising Their DNA

MIT researchers have devised a way to program memories into bacterial cells by rewriting their DNA more efficiently. Credit: MIT News, iStockphoto Organic engineers at MIT have created a brand-new way to edit bacterial genomes successfully and program memories right into microbial cells by revising their DNA. Using this technique, various spatial and temporal information...

A New Algorithm Can Help Improve the Design of Cell Phone Materials

New research published in Scientific Reports has revealed that a plain but robust new algorithm can help engineers improve the design of cellular materials used in various applications, from defense, biomedical to intelligent structures and the aerospace sector. How cell materials perform can be uncertain, so calculations to help engineers predict how they will react...

Closer to a Live Mammoth by 2028

This achievement marks a world first and is crucial for the development of a mammoth outside the womb.Image courtesy of Colossal Biosciences Colossal Biosciences has announced a world-first achievement: their goal is to create a woolly mammoth by 2028. Their approach involves reprogramming elephant cells into stem cell-like cells capable of differentiating into all necessary...

Unraveling the Connection Between Alzheimer’s And Cancer

Credit: Depositphotos Alzheimer's and Reduced Cancer Risk: Unveiling a Mysterious Link Research has revealed that individuals with Alzheimer's disease appear to have a lower risk of developing certain cancers, and a recent study involving rodents may provide insight into this phenomenon. In a study conducted in China, scientists observed that mice exhibiting Alzheimer-like symptoms had a notably...

Consuming Good Food Triggers the Brain to Release Feel-Good Serotonin

Consuming food with nutrient value triggers the release of a feel-good chemical by the brainDepositphotos Researchers have uncovered an intriguing connection between the gut and brain: consuming nutritious food triggers the release of the feel-good chemical serotonin. This discovery paves the way for potential new treatments for eating disorders. Recent studies have highlighted the significant link...

Dr. Hologram is Now Seeing Cancer Patients Virtually

"I’ve had dozens of virtual visits on my cell phone and this holographic experience doesn’t compare," said one of the Proto unit's first patients at the West Cancer Center's clinic. "It feels just like I am talking with my doctor face-to-face."Proto Inc. In August 2021, LA-based Portl introduced a 7-foot-tall hologram projection box for realistic...

The First Hydrogen-Powered Race Car has Passed FIA Crash Tests

The pioneer has a top speed of 200 kmphMatt Ben Stone The Pioneer 25 represents a significant milestone in motorsports, having passed the required FIA crash tests. Designed specifically for Extreme H, the first hydrogen-powered motorsport, the car reaches speeds of up to 200 km/h (124 mph). Over the years, several functional hydrogen rally and race...

Massless Battery Could Boost EV Range by 70%

Carbon fiber structural battery developed at Chalmers University of Technology, SwedenChalmers University of Technology | Henrik Sandsjö Researchers have developed and tested a "structural battery" that integrates energy storage into the chassis of a device or EV, significantly reducing weight. This innovation could enable smartphones as thin as credit cards, cut laptop weight in half,...

Surpassing Expectations: First Semi-Submersible Floating Wind Farm

One of three Windfloat Atlantic off-shore floating platformsWindplus The WindFloat Atlantic project, the first semi-submersible floating offshore wind farm with just three turbines off Portugal's coast, has surpassed expectations in its four years of operation. It has generated 320 GWh of electricity, enough to power around 25,000 homes annually. Connected to the grid and operational since...

Nanowarming Technique Revolutionizes Organ Transplantation

Safely rewarming frozen organs using magnetic heat could mean donor organs can be preserved for longerDepositphotos A new two-step method that utilizes nanoscale magnetic rods to safely rewarm frozen tissues could improve the long-term preservation of donor organs. This technique offers an alternative to existing time-restricted methods and opens the door to more life-saving transplants. Vitrification...