Search Results - solar

World’s First 18650-Sized Potassium-Ion Battery Aims to Tackle Lithium Shortage

The 18650-format potassium-ion battery was launched at the 14th annual Beyond Lithium Conference at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in TennesseeGroup1 Most portable electronics and the latest electric vehicles rely on lithium batteries. Texas-based startup Group1 has introduced a more sustainable option with the world’s first 18650 potassium-ion battery. Group1, established in 2021 by experienced battery...

Water-Skimming Ocean-of-Things Bugbots use Bacteria-Powered Fuel Cells

The self-powered aquatic robot skims on the water's surface like a water striderBinghamton University Researchers have created prototype robot bugs equipped with sensors that replicate biological digestive systems to generate energy, use a Janus interface for a continuous nutrient supply, and glide across water like water striders. In 2017, DARPA introduced a program to develop and...

Earth-Sized Planet Found in Habitable Zone Nearby

Credit: Pixabay In a thrilling advancement for astronomy and the quest for extraterrestrial life, an international team of scientists has revealed the discovery of Gliese 12 b, a temperate, Earth-sized exoplanet located just 40 light-years away, which equates to a relatively close 378 trillion kilometers from Earth. Researchers globally, with significant contributions from McGill University and...

World-First Space-Based Energy Grid Outlined by Star Catcher

Credit: Pixabay Funding Secured for Ambitious Space-Based Energy Grid Star Catcher Industries has secured US$12.25 million in seed funding for its ambitious plan to build the world’s first "space-based energy grid." The idea is that a network of satellites would gather energy from the Sun and beam it at high concentrations to other satellites in orbit. Collecting...

Rolls-Royce Gets $6M for Nuclear Space Reactor Development

The Micro-Reactor can be used for nuclear space propulsionRolls-Royce Rolls-Royce has received an additional £4.8 million (US$6.2 million) from the UK Space Agency (UKSA) to develop critical technology for a nuclear micro-reactor, potentially powering lunar bases and spacecraft propulsion in the future. In the 1969 science fiction film Doppelganger (also known as Journey to the Far...

Australia-Singapore Clean Energy Cable Approved

A graphic overview of the ambitious AAPowerLink project, which is expected to supply its first clean power in the early 2030sSunCable Government officials have granted crucial approval to the world's largest renewable energy and transmission initiative. Spearheaded by SunCable, the AAPowerLink project involves constructing a massive solar farm in Australia's Northern Territory. This endeavor aims...

NASA’s Orbiter Finds New Tunnels on the Moon

An international research team discovered a lava tube on the Moon, indicating a potential habitat safe from harsh lunar conditions. The study, which reanalyzed NASA LRO mission data, offers significant insights for future lunar exploration. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: For the past 50 years, the existence of tunnels beneath the lunar surface has been a...

EV Batteries are an Unexpected Source of Forever Chemical Pollution

Credit: Depositphotos Scientists have discovered a new source of dangerous "forever chemical" pollution in the rechargeable lithium-ion batteries used in most electric vehicles. Certain lithium-ion battery technologies incorporate PFAS chemicals (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) to reduce flammability and improve electrical conductivity. According to a peer-reviewed study in the journal Nature Communications, scientists have found high levels of PFAS...

Chemical Discovery on Mars Suggests Origins of Life on Earth

Credit: Pixabay Just over ten years ago, a robotic rover on Mars provided a long-awaited answer to a critical question: it confirmed the presence of organic material buried in the sediment of the planet's ancient lakebeds. Since then, we have continued to discover organic molecules on Mars, distributed in a manner indicating widespread carbon chemistry on...

Compact Smart Telescope Effortlessly Captures the Night Sky

Credit: DwarfLab The arrival of smart digital telescopes has revolutionized stargazing, allowing enthusiasts to capture and share celestial wonders with ease. Additionally, weighing less than 3 lbs, the Dwarf III stands out as one of the most portable options. Its lightweight, book-like design and compact dimensions (222 x 142 x 65 mm) make it easy...