Search Results - hydrogen

Another Step Toward an Insulin Tablet

Credit: James Yarema on Unsplash For the millions of people living with diabetic issues, insulin is a life-saving drug. Unlike many other medicines, however, insulin can not be easily provided by swallowing a pill-- it needs to be injected under the skin with a syringe or pump. Scientists have been making steps towards an insulin...

Chemists Generate Framework for the Oxidation of Hydrocarbons

Two projections of the molecular structure of 1. Credit: Molecules (2022). DOI: 10.3390/molecules27196205 RUDN University chemists have produced new copper-containing metallasilsesquioxane frameworks. A few of them have proven to be effective catalysts for the oxidation of hydrocarbons. The results are published in Molecules. What are Silsesquioxanes Silsesquioxanes are a enormous team of organosilicon compounds. They are formed of a...

Outstanding Technological Breakthroughs of 2022

Credit: lifestayleasia The world of technology is everchanging and progressive. All over the world new technology comes to life. Here are some of the most relevant this year: Asteroid deflected The asteroid Dimorphos was the target for this year’s test run of a potential planetary defense system—an impact from a fridge-size spacecraft that successfully altered its orbit....

Fusion Technology Is Reaching a Turning Point that Could Change the Energy Game

A donut-shaped magnetic confinement device called a tokamak is one of the leading designs for a working fusion power generator, with many such experiments running worldwide. Credit: Christopher Roux, EUROfusion Consortium, CC BY Our society faces the grand difficulty of offering sustainable, secure, and affordable forms of generating energy while trying to reduce CO2 emissions to net...

Nuclear Fusion Produces Net Positive Energy in Breakthrough Experiment

NIF Target Area operators inspect a final optics assembly (FOA) during a routine maintenance period. Each FOA contains four integrated optics modules that incorporate beam conditioning, frequency conversion, focusing, diagnostic sampling, and debris shielding capabilities into a single compact assembly. Credit: Jason Laurea / LLNL Scientists have produced a fusion reaction that led to a...

Inspections Shed More Light on the Star Constitution History of Galaxy NGC 2915

V-band image of NGC 2915 obtained by collapsing the wavelength dimension of the MUSE data cube. Credit: Tang et al, 2022 Galaxy NGC 2915 Utilizing the Very Large Telescope (VLT), Chinese astronomers have inquired a next blue compact dwarf galaxy known as NGC 2915. Outcomes of the research, shown in a paper released October 12th on...

Research Sheds More Light on the Star Formation History and Framework of IC 1396

WISE W4 (22.19 µm) image of the IC 1396 HII region. The BRCs are labeled with their names. Credit: Pelayo-B Utilizing different telescopes, a worldwide group of astronomers has studied into IC 1396-- a close-by area of ionized atomic hydrogen. Outcomes of the research, released October 21st on, yield essential understandings concerning the star...

Quantum Algorithms Conserve Time in the Calculation of Electron Dynamics

The calculations allow the electron densities and the changes after excitation to be determined with high spatial and temporal resolution. Here, the example of the lithium hydride molecule shows the shift of electron density from cyanide (red) to lithium (green) during a laser pulse. Credit: F. Langkabel / HZB Scientists have examined the capacity of...

The Science Behind Honey’s Eternal Shelf Life

Honey - ancient liquid gold A multitude of factors-- its acidity, lack of water, and the existence of hydrogen peroxide-- function in absolute harmony, allowing honey to last forever. Modern archeologists excavating ancient Egyptian tombs have often discovered something unpredictable among the tombs' artifacts: pots of honey, thousands of years old and yet still completely preserved....

A New Energy Storage System Can Store Solar Power For Nearly 20 Years

And it releases energy on demand. MOST – Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage Systems. Credit: Chalmers University of Technology A press statement discloses that scientists from Sweden's Chalmers University of Technology developed an energy storage system that holds solar power in liquid form for approximately 18 years. With the help of researchers from China's Shanghai Jiao Tong...