Search Results - telescope

New Method Could Help Get To Cheap Hydrogen

Using a PEM electrolyzer, the researchers create hydrogen in the laboratory. Credit: Eduardo Gracia Researchers at Umeå University have made a breakthrough that could make hydrogen, a carbon dioxide (CO2)-free fuel, more affordable. The team has created a new method to increase the production of hydrogen gas from water and electricity, a process critical to...

What Exactly is the (dark) Matter with Euclid?

Artist impression of the Euclid mission in space. The spacecraft is white and gold and consists of three main elements: a flat sunshield, a large cylinder where the light from space will enter, and a 'boxy' bottom containing the instruments. The spacecraft is shown half in the shadow, because the sunshield will always be...

The First Lunar Eclipse of 2023 Slightly Darkens the Full Moon

Roof decorations depicting mythical sacred beasts are silhouetted near a penumbral lunar eclipse partially blocked by clouds during the early hours of Saturday, May 6, 2023 in Beijing. Credit: AP Photo/Ng Han Guan Stargazers in Asia and Australia were treated to a spectacular lunar eclipse as the moon slipped into the outer part of Earth's...

Hubble Captures Highly Energetic Galaxy NGC 547

Galaxy NGC 547. Credit: NASA, ESA, J. Blakeslee (NOIRLab - (AZ)), and W. Sparks (SETI Institute); Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America). In the constellation Cetus, located about 250 million light-years from Earth, sits the elliptical galaxy NGC 547. This galaxy is the subject of a stunning image the NASA Hubble Space Telescope captured....

Dozens of Variable Stars Were Spotted in the Open Cluster NGC 6611

A 30' × 30' fragment of the DSS-1 plate containing the observed fields of NGC 6611. Credit: Michalska et al, 2023 Astronomers have used three ground-based telescopes in Chile to search for variable stars in the open cluster NGC 6611. They identified 95 variable stars, most of which are likely cluster members. This discovery was...

A New Ring System Found in Our Solar System

Artist impression of Quaoar's rings. Credit: Paris Observatory A group of researchers has discovered a previously unknown ring system around a dwarf planet located at the outer edge of the solar system. This ring system is unique in that it orbits much farther out than other known ring systems, which challenges current theories about the...

Ominous Green Lasers Shot Over Hawaii Did Not Come From NASA Satellite After All

A series of green laser beams seen over Hawaii in January. (National Observatory of Japan) Above the islands of Hawaii on January 28th, a green laser was seen piercing the evening sky, silently tracing a course towards the horizon such as a stutter in the Matrix's code. The scene was captured on camera from a telescope atop...

Astronomers Identify Twenty Ultraviolet-Emitting Supernova Remnants in the Andromeda Galaxy

Positions of the 20 SNRs with detected diffuse UV emission (red squares) and of the 5 SNRs with likely, but confused, diffuse emission (blue squares), overlaid on the image of the Andromeda Galaxy in the F148W filter. Credit: Leahy et al, 2023 Utilizing the AstroSat satellite, astronomers from the University of Calgary, Canada, have identified...

Rare, Green Comet Passes Earth For the First Time in 50,000 Years

Credit: Awareness Act. Last year, astronomers discovered Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF, which had not been visible until then due to its distance from Earth. However, it is now approaching Earth, and soon it will be making its closest approach in 50,000 years. Astronomers have stated that this will be the only chance to see it...

How Supermassive Fuel-Hungry Black Holes Feed off Intergalactic Gas

Two interacting galaxies viewed from the Hubble Space Telescope. Credit: NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage Team A research study led by the College of Southampton has shown how supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are feeding off gas clouds that reach them by traveling hundreds of thousands of light yrs from one galaxy to another. A worldwide team of scientists has...