Search Results - chemistry

Researchers Open a New Window on the Physics of Glass Formation

Credit: University of Glasgow A research study from a worldwide group of researchers has cast new light on the physics of vitrification-- the process by which glass forms. Their findings, which center on analyzing a common feature of glasses called the boson peak, might help pave the way for recent developments in product science. The peak could...

Building Blocks of Life Found in Meteorite That Crash-Landed in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire

Credit: Royal Holloway, University of London Finding the building blocks of life New research released on the organic analysis of the Winchcombe meteorite that crash-landed onto a driveway in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, in 2021. The research, led by Dr. Queenie Chan from the Department of Earth Sciences at Royal Holloway, University of London, discovered organic compounds from...

Development in Science is on The Decadence and We Are Unsure Why

Credit: Nattapat Jitrungruengnij/Shutterstock Increased knowledge but reduced innovation in science According to an analysis published Wednesday of countless analysis papers and patents, the rate of ground-breaking scientific findings and technological innovation is reducing despite an ever-growing quantity of knowledge. While the past study has revealed downturns in particular disciplines, the study is the primary that "emphatically, convincingly documents...

Amazing Scientific Discoveries of 2022

The world of science is everchanging and progressive. Every day a new scientific discovery is made. Here are some of the most relevant this year: Consumption of Microplastics Can Cause Evolutionary Changes After the non-biting midges of the species Chironomus riparius were exposed to microplastics, the genome of subsequent generations changed. Credit: Markus Pfenninger In April 2022,...

Chemists Generate Framework for the Oxidation of Hydrocarbons

Two projections of the molecular structure of 1. Credit: Molecules (2022). DOI: 10.3390/molecules27196205 RUDN University chemists have produced new copper-containing metallasilsesquioxane frameworks. A few of them have proven to be effective catalysts for the oxidation of hydrocarbons. The results are published in Molecules. What are Silsesquioxanes Silsesquioxanes are a enormous team of organosilicon compounds. They are formed of a...

New Biomarker Test Can Spot Alzheimer’s Neurodegeneration in Blood

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A team of neuroscientists led by a College of Pittsburgh Institution of Medicine scientist created a test to spot a new marker of Alzheimer's illness neurodegeneration in a blood sample. A research on their outcomes was released today in Brain. New Biomarker The biomarker, named brain-derived tau, or BD-tau, outperforms...

The Function of Nutrient Might Reveal in Fight Against Microbial Infections

Helicobacter pylori medical illustration A nutrient that is prevalent in the human diet has been discovered to aid the survival of a cancer-causing microorganism, a recent Yale research discovers. The findings could disclose an essential target for new drugs to tackle numerous contagious diseases in human beings. The nutrient, called ergothioneine, or EGT, an identified antioxidant,...

Quantum Algorithms Conserve Time in the Calculation of Electron Dynamics

The calculations allow the electron densities and the changes after excitation to be determined with high spatial and temporal resolution. Here, the example of the lithium hydride molecule shows the shift of electron density from cyanide (red) to lithium (green) during a laser pulse. Credit: F. Langkabel / HZB Scientists have examined the capacity of...

A New Energy Storage System Can Store Solar Power For Nearly 20 Years

And it releases energy on demand. MOST – Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage Systems. Credit: Chalmers University of Technology A press statement discloses that scientists from Sweden's Chalmers University of Technology developed an energy storage system that holds solar power in liquid form for approximately 18 years. With the help of researchers from China's Shanghai Jiao Tong...

Researchers Discover Exotic Quantum State in Topological Insulators

Researchers at Princeton found that a material known as a topological insulator, made from the elements bismuth and bromine, exhibit specialized quantum behaviors normally seen only under extreme experimental conditions of high pressures and temperatures near absolute zero. Credit: Shafayat Hossain and M. Zahid Hasan of Princeton University A new discovery For the first time, physicists...