Search Results - chemistry

Acts Like a Plastic But Conducts Like Metal

Credit: © fox17 / Researchers at the University of Chicago have found a means to produce a material that resembles plastic yet conducts electricity more like a metal. Like a metal? The research, released on Oct. 26 in Nature, shows how to produce a sort of material wherein the molecular fragments are shuffled and disordered but...

Scientists 3D Print Degradable Polymers Utilizing Salt

Texas A&M University researchers are using 3D printing and salt to create environmentally friendly polymers that will degrade over time. Credit: Texas A&M Engineering. Dr. Emily Pentzer, an associate educator in the Division of Materials Science and Engineering and the Division of Chemistry at Texas A&M College, makes 3D printed polymers more environmentally friendly with a...

Smartphone Data Can Help Create Global Vegetation Maps

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Nature and the environment are mutually dependent. Plant growth is absolutely depending on the environment; however, this is, consequently, firmly influenced by plants, such as in a woodland, which evaporates a great deal of water. To be able to make precise predictions regarding just how the living world may create, a substantial...

Heat And Bacteria Recycle Blended Plastics Into Useful Chemicals

Mixed plastics are difficult to recycle, but a new process shows how it can be done.Credit: China Photos/Getty Mixtures of plastics, normally a headache to recycle, have been broken down into helpful, smaller chemical ingredients in one two-step process, reported in Science on 13th October. The plastics problem facing the globe is exacerbated by the difficulty...

3 Scientists Share Nobel Prize In Physics For Work In Quantum Mechanics

Secretary General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Hans Ellegren, centre, Eva Olsson, left and Thors Hans Hansson, members of the Nobel Committee for Physics announce the winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, from left to right on the screen, Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger, during a press...

Beyond AlphaFold: AI Excels At Developing New Protein

Proteins designed with an ultra-rapid software tool called ProteinMPNN were much more likely to fold up as intended. Credit: Ian Haydon, UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design Over the past 2 years, machine learning has revolutionized protein structure prediction. Currently, three papers in Science describe a similar revolution in protein design. In the current papers, biologists...

The First Room-Temperature Superconductor Has Finally Been Discovered

When squeezed to high pressure between two diamonds (shown), a material made of carbon, sulfur and hydrogen can transmit electricity without resistance at room temperature. It is here: Researchers have reported the exploration of the first room-temperature superconductor after more than one century of waiting. The discovery evokes daydreams of futuristic technologies which could improve electronics...

Light Accelerates Conductivity In Nature’s ‘Electric Grid’

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The natural world has its own intrinsic electrical grid composed of a world web of tiny bacteria-generated nanowires in the soil and seas that "breathe" by exhaling excess electrons. In a new study, Yale College researchers found that light is an unexpected ally in fostering this electronic activity within biofilm bacteria. Revealing bacteria-produced...

Dimethyl Ether Was Discovered in a Planet-forming Disc for the First Time

In a first for astrochemistry, astronomers have discovered dimethyl ether in a planet-forming disc. A precursor of larger organic molecules that can spur life, dimethyl ether is the largest molecule identified yet in a protoplanetary disc-- a rotating cloud of gas, dust, and ice that develops around a recently developing star and ultimately forms...

A Simple, Affordable Material For Carbon Capture, Perhaps From Tailpipes

Using an inexpensive polymer called melamine-- the main component of Formica-- chemists have created an affordable, accessible, and energy-efficient form to capture CO2 (Carbon dioxide) from smokestacks, a key aim for the USA and other countries as they seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The process for synthesizing the melamine material, posted this week in...