Search Results - solar

Cutting-edge Astronomy Camera Set to Unveil Cosmic Secrets

After more than 20 years of planning, the LSST Camera module is now ready to be shipped to Chile for installation on the Simonyi Survey Telescope at the Vera C. Rubin ObservatoryJacqueline Ramseyer Orrell/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has unveiled the completion of the LSST Camera, boasting a remarkable 3,200-megapixel capacity....

Countries in Crisis May Unilaterally Hack the Global Climate

Credit: Pixabay The landmark Paris climate accord sparked a rallying cry among developing nations: "1.5 to survive." This signifies the global goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) above preindustrial levels. However, it's anticipated that this threshold will be exceeded within the next decade, with global warming showing minimal signs of...

Planting Trees in Wrong Places Worsens Global Warming

Credit: Depositphotos On Tuesday, scientists revealed that planting trees in unsuitable locations can exacerbate global warming. However, a newly developed map pinpoints optimal areas for reforestation, which can help in cooling the planet. Trees play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide, and efforts to restore degraded woodlands or expand forested areas are important strategies in...

Joint Chinese-Russian Initiative: Planning for a Nuclear-Powered Lunar Research Station by 2035

Russia and China aim to deploy a lunar nuclear reactor by 2035. Credit: gizmodo. In 2021, the Chinese and Russian space agencies forged a collaborative agreement to establish a research facility on the Moon. Recently, they unveiled plans to construct an automated nuclear reactor on the lunar surface, intended to energize the International Lunar Research...

Breakthrough Solution for Cold-Resistant, High-Energy-Density Batteries

a) Schematic: Metal foil inserted for internal heating and fast heat transfer to electrodes and electrolyte. Self-heating activated by switching off the connection between activation terminal and negative terminal. b) Evolution of cell voltage and temperature during activation at Vact = 0.4 V (inset) and subsequent 1C discharge at −20 °C. Battery temperature increases from −20 °C to 0 °C...

Cosmic Billiards: 1.3M Asteroid Paths Checked for 2029 Impact

Astronomers have modeled the orbits of 1.3 million asteroids to check if any could bounce Apophis into an Earthbound pathDepositphotos In 2029, a sizable asteroid will pass by Earth at such proximity that it will be observable without telescopic aid. Fortunately, calculations of its trajectory suggest that there's no risk of impact in the next...

Odysseus Broke his Leg Landing from an Overlooked Laser Switch

Image from Odysseus showing the broken leg and the plume from the throttling engineIntuitive Machines As the Odysseus Moon lander approaches its final hours, an unexpected development adds a twist to its narrative: during landing, one of its legs broke due to a series of errors stemming from a missed safety procedure on Earth prior...

Lightning Maps Show 36.8 Million Strikes Yearly in the US

If you're leary of lightning, the Gulf states may not be for you. Credit: Pixaobay Wondering if you reside in a region prone to lightning strikes? Recent maps reveal the precise locations where lightning makes contact with the ground throughout the United States annually. Hint: If you're concerned about lightning strikes, you may want to...

Soil-Powered Fuel Cell Harnesses Earth’s Energy

A microbial fuel cell buried in soil and generating powerBill Yen/Northwestern University A groundbreaking innovation from Northwestern University showcases a compact device capable of producing electricity by harnessing the power generated as microbes decompose soil, as long as there is carbon present. This device, about the size of a paperback book, operates on microbial fuel...

Implications of Cloud Study for Climate Engineering

Shadows cast during a partial eclipse. Image source: Yvonne Hanson/ A recent study discovered that certain types of clouds vanish during solar eclipses, shedding light on why it happens. This finding might affect efforts to control the climate. During solar eclipses, people have noticed that regular cumulus clouds over land disappear quickly. The lead author of...