Revealing the Remarkable Properties of Multilayer Graphene

Revealing the Remarkable Properties of Multilayer Graphene

Graphene, a material derived from ordinary pencil lead when shaved down to atomic layers, has demonstrated an array of extraordinary properties over the years. When stacked into five layers in a rhombohedral pattern, graphene exhibits a rare “multiferroic” state, combining unconventional magnetism and a unique form of electronic behavior known as ferro-valleytricity. This discovery, made by physicists at MIT, holds potential for revolutionary advances in data storage and computing.

Graphene’s Fascinating Attributes

Graphene, with each additional layer, presents itself as a novel material. The researchers at MIT, led by Professor Long Ju, observed this multiferroic behavior exclusively in five-layer graphene. This property, absent in one to four layers, has the potential to impact data storage technology significantly.

Multiferroic Properties and Data Storage

Multiferroic materials can coordinate multiple properties like magnetism and electrical charge and enhance hard drives’ speed and energy efficiency. 

Traditional hard drives use magnetic domains to store data; each part functions as a microscopic magnet. Switching these magnets requires a significant amount of energy. 

On the other hand, Multiferroic materials could enable faster and lower-power data storage, potentially doubling the storage capacity of conventional devices.

Understanding the Emergence of Ferroic Behavior

The researchers investigated whether graphene could exhibit multiferroic behavior. The fragile structure of graphene provides a unique environment for exploring hidden quantum interactions.

 By stacking five graphene layers in a rhombohedral pattern, the electrons move slowly, allowing for compelling interactions and, thereby, the emergence of coordinated electron behavior.

Experimental Confirmation

In the laboratory, researchers meticulously isolated naturally occurring five-layer graphene flakes with a rhombohedral stacking pattern. They studied electron responses to electric and magnetic fields at extremely low temperatures, where other effects are minimized. 

The results indicated two ferroic properties. First, the electrons coordinated their orbital motion in an unconventional magnetism, and second, they exhibited a preference for settling in one of graphene’s two electronic “valleys.” This combination resulted in a rare, multiferroic state.

Control and Practical Implications

The researchers demonstrated the ability to control these ferroic properties using an electric field. The long-term vision is to incorporate five-layer graphene or similar multiferroic materials into memory chips, allowing data manipulation using a low-power electric field. 

This innovation has the potential to significantly increase data storage capacity in comparison to conventional multiferroic materials, although practical implementation remains a work in progress.

In conclusion, discovering multiferroic behavior in five-layer graphene introduces exciting possibilities for the future of data storage and electronic devices, offering new avenues for research and development in the field.

Read the original article on scitechdaily.

Read more:AI-Driven Discovery of Critical-Element-Free Magnetic Materials.

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