Scientists Propose Theory on Brain Activity Waves

Scientists Propose Theory on Brain Activity Waves

Credit: Brain Simulation Section, BIH, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Professor Dr. Petra Ritter’s team has, for the first time, elucidated the movement of brain activity waves through a computer simulation. Previous research suggests these waves play a crucial role in cognitive functions like memory.

Professor Dr. Petra Ritter, Johanna Quandt Professor at BIH, leads the brain simulation research group and heads the Brain Simulation Section at Charité.

Study Reveals Role of Brain Waves in Learning and Cognition

The study led by Ritter, published in Nature Communications, forms part of Dominik Koller’s dissertation, who is the first author of the paper.

Traveling waves of activity are patterns of neuronal signals that occur when groups of neurons fire simultaneously, with this synchronized activity moving across the cortex over time. These waves can be visualized using electroencephalography (EEG) and are generated by a spatial frequency gradient in the brain, resulting from varying connectivity strength.

Ritter believes that brain waves are crucial for learning processes because synchronized activity enhances neural connections. “The moving wavefronts synchronize nerve cell activity across distances. The theory that ‘what fires together, wires together’ suggests these waves are fundamental for coordinating plastic changes in the brain, essential for learning.”

Brain waves can travel across different spatial scales and change direction. “Various factors influence wave propagation, but the relationships are complex. However, with our mathematical brain models, we can uncover the underlying rules,” Ritter explains.

The Movement of Waves of Activity Plays a Crucial Role in Therapy

Understanding the mechanisms behind the formation of traveling waves of activity can enhance future treatments for brain diseases and deepen our understanding of these conditions. “For instance, this is relevant in treating schizophrenia, epilepsy, or Parkinson’s disease,” explains Ritter.

Ritter’s team is developing digital brain twins, which can simulate the brain’s response to stimuli. These simulations hold promise for planning therapies, such as brain stimulation—like deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease—as well as for personalizing neurosurgical interventions, making them safer and more efficient.

“Previous models did not account for plastic changes. Now, understanding wavefront development can also help simulate learning effects as the brain changes,” Ritter notes.

The next step for the researchers is to use their model to simulate the long-term effects of external brain stimulation, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or deep brain stimulation with electrodes, particularly when plastic changes occur. This approach could enable doctors to use computer simulations to determine the most effective stimulation for each patient in the future.

Read the Original Article: Medical Xpress

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