Search Results - Cell

Scientists Discover Breast Cancer Protein that Could Anticipate Chemotherapy Sensitivity

Three-dimensional culture of human breast cancer cells, with DNA stained blue and a protein in the cell surface membrane stained green. Credit: NCI Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health Scientists have determined a protein that, when present in significant quantities in breast cancer tumors, is a signal of whether DNA-damaging...

New Research Discovers Links Between Genetic Factors in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain In a recent research released today in Cell Reports, scientists from the Donald K. Johnson Eye Institute (DKJEI), part of the Krembil Research Institute at University Health Network, have determined anteriorly unknown links between genetic factors in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This neurodevelopmental disorder  is associated with a wide variety of physiological...

Drug Discovery and Development– In Space

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Conducting scientific experiments in space enables investigators to examine and make medicines without gravity, which could give unexpected outcomes that enhance investigation back in the world. Regarding to a cover story in Chemical & Engineering Information, more commercial entities are broadening offerings in low-Earth orbit, which could eventually permit more characteristic...

Identity Theft: The Key to the Cat Parasite’s (Toxoplasma) Success

Credit: Public Domain The parasite The parasite Toxoplasma is carried by a considerable part of the global human population. Currently, a study led by researchers at Stockholm University demonstrates how this microscopic parasite so effectively spreads in the body, for example, to the brain. The parasite infects immune cells and steals their identity. The research study...

Strange Phenomenon of Liquid Skin Found on the Surface of Glass

(Guido Mieth/Getty Images) Ice characteristics Ice is not constantly ice all the way through. Even at temperatures level well below freezing, its surface area can be coated in a membrane of quasi-liquid atoms, with its density typically only a few nanometers. Its formation procedure is referred to as premelting (or 'surface melting'), which is why your ice...

Scientists Have Created Current, Heat-Efficient Nanoparticles For Treating Cancer

Nanoparticles accumulate in tumor. Credit: Olena Taratula, Oleh Taratula, OSU College of Pharmacy Oregon State College researchers have invented a way to make magnetic nanoparticles that obtain hotter than any previous nanoparticle, improving their cancer-combating ability. Faculty from the OSU University of Drugstore led a partnership that created an advanced thermal decomposition technique for creating nanoparticles...

Scientists Find Stronger Immune Reaction Against Herpes Simplex Virus 2 in Obese Mice

Credit: CC0 Public Domain A group of scientists at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, collaborating with an associate from Myunggok Medical Research Center, has found that test mice deliberately overfed to make them obese put up a more robust immune reaction against the herpes simplex virus two than did mice fed usually. In their...

A Brain Stimulant Powered by Breath Rather than Batteries

UConn researchers have developed a way of charging deep brain stimulators that don't require the battery power that's currently standard. Credit: University of Connecticut Implantable deep brain stimulators could aid lots of people with neurological and psychiatric illnesses when conventional therapies stop functioning. Nevertheless, surgery every time the batteries have to be transformed is a...

Cleaning Toxic ‘Protein Clumps’ Could Prevent Dementia

Credit: Queensland Brain Institute The clean-up of cellular "protein clumps" can prevent the beginning of some forms of dementia, according to new research from The University of Queensland. Scientists from the Queensland Brain Institute made the finding while emphasizing the relationship inbetween the enzyme Fyn and the protein Tau in frontotemporal dementia. The team, led by...

Elevated CO2 Levels Cause Mineral Deficiency in Plants Resulting in Less Nutritious Crops

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain For many years, researchers have seen improved photosynthesis as one of the only feasible bright sides of increasing degrees of climatic carbon dioxide (CO2) -- since plants use CO2 for photosynthesis, it is expected that greater degrees of the gas will lead to much more effective plants. In an evaluation published in...