Search Results - Climate Change

Revolutionizing Water and Food Production: Solar-Powered Vertical Sea Farms

The sun and the sea, both bountiful and freely available, are at the heart of a groundbreaking project aiming to create vertical sea farms that float on the ocean. These farms have the potential to produce fresh water for drinking and agriculture in a self-sufficient manner, all without human intervention.  A world-first initiative by researchers...

Research Shows that Enhancing Urban Greenery Doesn’t just Capture Carbon; it Reduces it

Credit: Pixaobay A recent study suggests that numerous European cities have the potential to achieve net-zero carbon emissions within the next decade by integrating nature into their infrastructure. A recent study published in the journal Nature Climate Change has highlighted the strategies that European cities can employ to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in the next decade...

Recently identified Sun “Nanoflares” May Serve as the Origin of Solar Wind

Credit: Pixaobay While outer space lacks traditional air, it experiences a unique form of wind known as solar wind, composed of charged particles emitted by the Sun. The precise process driving this phenomenon remains unclear, but the Solar Orbiter spacecraft from the European Space Agency (ESA) has recently detected hitherto undiscovered "small-scale" eruptions on the...

Understanding Carbon Capture and Storage: Can It Effectively Reduce Emissions?

Credit: Unsplush. Carbon capture potential? The UK supports carbon capture projects for net zero goals and adds two more projects for negotiations without additional funding. Carbon capture potential? What does CCS Involve? Carbon capture and storage (CCS) consists of two primary categories. Point-source CCS captures CO2 emissions at the origin, like a smokestack, whereas direct air...

5 Reasons to Halt Biomass Imports for Bioenergy

Incorrect way of using biomass for energy generation. Co-authored by Rita Frost, this post delves into the environmental impacts of biomass. Whether using wood or fossil fuels for energy, both contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbate climate change. The practice of importing biomass or fossil fuels for energy production has significant consequences for climate change...

EPFL Engineers Demonstrate Path to Net-Zero Emissions in Crucial Industrial Sectors

Credit: Unsplush. Engineers at EPFL in Sion, Switzerland, have made significant strides in addressing carbon emissions from essential industrial sectors. Integrating carbon capture and mineralization directly within industries has showcased the potential for achieving net-zero and net-negative emissions. This research, carried out by the Laboratory of Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering (IPESE), focuses on key...

Cost-Effective, Efficient Soil Health Assessment for Large-Scale Use

Credit: theconversation Cost-Effective, Efficient Soil Health Assessment for Large-Scale Use. Describing the significance of soil as essential would be an understatement. It plays a crucial role as the medium for food production, carbon sequestration, reducing atmospheric CO2, and hosting vast biodiversity, including antibiotic-producing bacteria. Soil is fundamental for life on Earth. Cost-Effective, Efficient Soil Health Assessment...

The Petroleum and Gas Drilling Engineer, Talks about Renewable Energy

"I believe that renewable energies are the solution to climate problems. Human irresponsibility, through less environmentally-friendly practices and the emission of harmful gases, is the root cause of the climate changes occurring worldwide"- Verônica Choconeza Verônica Choconeza Startup Nzolani Renewable CEO,Veronica. Veronica Choconesa is an engineer who works with drilling for oil and gas. She cares a...

The Urgent Need for Stringent Methane Emission Policies

Oil and gas industry. Credit: Unsplash. The first global review of methane policies, conducted by our research team, reveals that stringent policies to eliminate methane emissions still need to be improved, despite the global focus on reducing methane emissions. While over 100 countries signed the Global Methane Pledge to cut emissions by 30% compared to 2020...

A newly Identified Protein Regulates the Creation of Cellulose in Plant Cells

Credit: Andrea Vierschilling / Pixabay. Ying Gu, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at the Penn State Eberly College of Science and leader of the research team, stated that the study identified a protein called calcium-dependent protein kinase 32 (CPK32) responsible for chemically modifying one of the proteins in the cellulose synthase complex, thereby regulating...