Search Results - Climate Change

Humpback Whales off the Endangered Species List

The Comeback According to the Guardian, at the peak of the commercial whaling industry, just 1,500 humpback whales were left alive. However, this week, Australian environment minister Sussan Ley announced the removal of the species from the endangered wildlife list. Ley told the independent news channel that removing the humpback from the endangered species list is...

United States Sea Levels Expected to Rise at a Faster Rate Than in Previous 100 Years

According to the most recent projections, sea levels along the United States coastline rise will rise quicker within the following three decades than they did in the previous 100 years, bringing more flooding to coastal cities like New York and Miami. According to a report led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, sea levels...

Did Civilization Rise Because of a Comet Impact?

Credit: Vladislav Tchakarov Human beings unexpectedly changed around 13,000 years ago. Hunter-gatherer societies began to transform their lifestyle quickly. They began to construct permanent settlements and focused their efforts on farming. The earliest man-made megalithic structures around were also constructed around this period. Was a comet collision the reason behind this fast advancement of human...

Worms Frozen for 42,000 Years Come Back to Life

Credit: Ghedoghedo/Wikimedia Commons Pleistocene age worms found in Arctic permafrost live and eat well after being defrosted some 42,000 years later. Two ancient nematodes are moving and eating normally again for the very first time since the Pleistocene age. The roundworms were discovered frozen in the Siberian permafrost and subsequently thawed out and resuscitated in Petri...

Biologists Discover New Insect Species

Neuroterus valhalla is a newly described species of cynipid gall wasp discovered in the branches of a live oak tree near the Rice University graduate student pub Valhalla. Credit: Miles Zhang/Smithsonian NMNH Its name sounds legendary, but the newly uncovered insect Neuroterus (noo-ROH'- teh-rus) Valhalla does not look or act the part. It is barely...

Giant Sponge Gardens Discovered on Seamounts in the Arctic Deep Sea

The dense sponge grounds discovered on the northerly Langseth Ridge seamount structure represent an astonishingly rich ecosystem, demonstrating the ability of sponges and associated microorganisms to exploit a variety of refractory food sources including fossil seep detritus. Credit: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / PS101 AWI OFOS system Giant sponge gardens Little food gets to the depths below the perpetually...

The Causes of Arctic Winter Warming East Asian Subtropical Cold Damage

IMELTING ICE ON THE ISLANDS OF SEVERNAYA ZEMLYA (BARENTS AND LAPTEV SEA REGION).CREDIT: GABRIELA SCHAEPMAN-STRUB, ARCTIC CENTURY EXPEDITION, 2021 The temps in the Arctic are rising as a result of climate change. According to an international study conducted by UZH experts, Arctic warming causes temperature anomalies and cold damage millions of km distant in East...

Global Elimination of Animal Farming Could Save the Planet

The elimination of all animal agriculture in the following 15 years would severely diminish greenhouse gas emissions and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Research into the climatological impacts of raising animals for food implicates that eliminating all animal agriculture has the potentially to considerably change the direction of global warming. The project is a cooperation...

A New Way to Store Sustainable Energy: ‘Information Batteries’

What if surplus renewable energy could be stored as computation instead? that’s the thinking behind “information batteries.” Photo/ISTOCK. A future powered by sustainable energy sources can save the globe from drastic climate change and reduce energy expenses. But the renewable resource has an intermittency issue-- the sun offers no power during the night, while winds...

Australian Politicians Need to Stop Meddling with Basic Research

In nations like Denmark and Germany, gifts are given on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas morning. Furthermore, on Christmas Eve 2021, 587 groups of researchers at universities around Australia got a festive present from the Australian Research Council (ARC), in the form of information that their 2022 Discovery Projects were to be financed. More brutally,...