Search Results - Climate Change

MIT Challenges Conventional Understanding of Evaporation

The team used a lab device that beamed laser light at water to observe the evaporative effects of lightBryce Vickmark We commonly understand that water evaporates with rising temperatures, but researchers have unveiled another critical element. This revelation could unravel enduring atmospheric puzzles and pave the way for future technological strides. The breakthrough by the MIT...

The 2024 Solar Eclipse: A Rare and Scientific Opportunity

The Solar Eclipse The 2024 Solar Eclipse is a rare and scientific opportunity that will provide a unique and awe-inspiring experience for millions of people across North America. This event occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, causing a momentary disruption of the Earth's natural rhythms. As the eclipse takes place,...

Supervolcano Eruption Sheds Light on Human Migration from Africa

A volcanic eruption. Credit: Pixabay Contrary to previous assumptions regarding the migration of modern humans out of Africa, it is suggested that some movement may have been prompted not by 'green corridors,' but by hardship or deprivation. A recent analysis involving volcanic glass discovered in Ethiopia suggests that humans inhabited regions experiencing potential drought conditions in...

Rainforest’s Next Tree Generation at Risk 30 Years Post-Logging

An unlogged tropical forest in Danum Valley, Malaysian Borneo. Credit: Pixaobay Recent research indicates that seedlings in natural rainforests have higher survival rates compared to areas previously subjected to logging, despite efforts of tree restoration projects. This study is featured in Global Change Biology. Researchers monitored over 5,000 seedlings for eighteen months in North Borneo. They...

A Shift from Glory to Scrutiny: The Evolution of Coconut Oil’s Reputation

Credit: Unsplash. In recent years, coconut oil has enjoyed a stellar reputation, championed for its perceived health benefits and versatile applications, ranging from dental hygiene to insect repellent. Once hailed as a dietary "superfood," the latest research is challenging the narrative promoted by the "clean eating" and "wellness" trends of the past few decades. Unveiling Potential...

Unveiling the Carnivorous Side of Fungi: Arthrobotrys Oligospora’s Predatory Lifestyle

Radiant Snares of the Predatory Fungus Arthrobotrys Oligospora. Credit: Hung-Che Lin CC-BY 4.0 Think fungi can't be carnivorous? Think again. Arthrobotrys oligospora, a worm-eating species of fungus discovered in 1850, has proven capable of sensing, trapping, and consuming small animals, shedding light on the molecular changes facilitating predatory behavior. Worms on the Menu While A. oligospora isn't the...

Low-Carbon Footprint Ammonia for Eco-Friendly Fertilizers

Credit: Yale E360 Researchers at UNSW Sydney, alongside collaborators, have pioneered an eco-friendly technique enabling ammonia production directly on farms, revolutionizing the traditional high-energy methods. The innovation, highlighted in a recent Applied Catalysis B: Environmental publication, drastically improves energy efficiency, scaling up green ammonia synthesis at an industrial level. Formerly reliant on energy-intensive processes contributing significantly...

Scroll Study Shows More Ancient Egyptian Venomous Snakes

Credit: Pixaobay In the journal Environmental Archaeology, our recent study delves into the insights that ancient civilizations' written records can provide about the wildlife they coexisted with. Our research, centered on venomous snakes documented in an ancient Egyptian papyrus, reveals a surprisingly diverse array of snake species in the land of the pharaohs. This newfound...

Crocodile’s ‘Virgin Birth’ is a First for Science’s History Books

An image of a crocodile. Credit: Ray Bilcliff/ Pexels Throughout history, tales of virgin births, which involve the production of offspring without fertilization, have been shared. Examples of such stories include the birth of Mars, an ancient Roman god, Horus, an ancient Egyptian god, and Qi, a figure from ancient Chinese mythology, all of whom...

Scientists Create Squid-Inspired ‘Liquid Windows ‘

Prototypes designed and built by Kay et al. contain several layers of channels, each of which contain fluids with various optical properties; by pumping the fluids in and out of the channels, the system can optimize the type, quantity and distribution of light passing through. Credit: Raphael Kay / Adrian So. A team of scientists at...