Search Results - framework

This Mighty Brain Chip Is So Efficient It Could Bring Developed AI To Your Phone

The main factor is how hardware chips are now set up. Based on the common Von Neumann architecture, the chip isolates memory storage from its central processors. Each computation is one nightmarish Monday morning commute, with the chip constantly shuttling information to and fro from each compartment, forming a notorious "memory wall." If you have...

Beyond AlphaFold: AI Excels At Developing New Protein

Proteins designed with an ultra-rapid software tool called ProteinMPNN were much more likely to fold up as intended. Credit: Ian Haydon, UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design Over the past 2 years, machine learning has revolutionized protein structure prediction. Currently, three papers in Science describe a similar revolution in protein design. In the current papers, biologists...

New Proof That Water Separates Into Two Different Liquids At Low Temperatures

Credit: CC0 Public Domain A new kind of "phase change" in water was first recommended 30 years ago in a research study by scientists from Boston University. Because the shift has been predicted to happen at supercooled problems, however, confirming its presence has been challenging. That is because, at these low temperatures, water really does...

New Research on the Emergence of the 1st Complex Cells Challenges Orthodoxy

Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses in eukaryotic cells. One popular hypothesis claims these organelles were a pre-requisite to the transition from simpler prokaryotes like bacteria and archaea to larger, more complex eukaryotic organisms. The new study challenges this assumption. Credit: Jason Drees In the beginning, there was boredom. Following the emergence of cellular life on...

A Simple, Affordable Material For Carbon Capture, Perhaps From Tailpipes

Using an inexpensive polymer called melamine-- the main component of Formica-- chemists have created an affordable, accessible, and energy-efficient form to capture CO2 (Carbon dioxide) from smokestacks, a key aim for the USA and other countries as they seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The process for synthesizing the melamine material, posted this week in...

Fighting a Trend of Asset Destruction In Nigeria

A vandalized pipeline in Nigeria The Ashcraft Centre for Social Science Research has expressed its condemnation of the destruction of national assets, particularly in the telecommunications, oil and gas, transportation, and power sectors. In response to this situation, the group has organized a zonal summit in Port Harcourt to address the legal responsibility of stakeholders...

Scottish Business Waste Zones Could ‘Damage’ Industry

The cost to producers for implementing EPR for packaging fell by £1 billion due to the exclusion of business waste. The Recycling Association has cautioned that proposals for business waste collection areas in the Scottish Government's circular economy bill could be "damaging" to the recycling industry. Within the consultation, the Scottish Government states it intends to...

Artificial Intelligence Hears the Sound of Healthy Machines

Examples of abnormal signals. Shown are raw data, log-spectrogram, and obtained coefficient distribution per level for two abnormal measurements of the slider rail 0 at SNR 0 dB. Credit: DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2106598119 Sounds offer crucial info regarding how well a device is running. ETH scientists have now developed a new machine learning strategy that detects whether...

Does the Brain Learn in the Same Manner that Machines Learn?

Identifying how neural activity changes with learning is anything but black and white. Recently, some have presumed that learning in the brain, or biological learning, may be visualized in terms of optimization, which is how learning happens in artificial networks like computers or robots. A new approaches piece co-authored by Carnegie Mellon University and University...

Studying the Magnetic Properties of Helium-3

Fig. 1: Schematic view of the 3He+ ion’s external and internal magnetic interactions. Background: microwave radiation. Credit: MPI In joint experimental-theoretical research published in Nature, physicists at the Heidelberg Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK), together with collaborators from RIKEN, Japan, investigated the magnetic properties of the isotope helium-3. For the first time, the electronic and...