Search Results - genetic

World’s Biggest Water Lily is a Species of its Own

Horticulturalist Carlos Magdalena in Bolivia viewing the largest known giant water lily species (Victoria boliviana). Credit: Cesar David Salazar An artist's observations, two botanists' suspicions, and DNA tests reveal a case of mistaken identity among giant water plants. When 19th-century European botanists encountered impressive water lilies with leaves more extensive than a pingpong table, they initially...

New ‘Crime Scene Investigation’ Might Save Endangered Carnivorous Plants

Researchers have joined macro photography with DNA metabarcoding to create a brand-new botanical "CSI" device that might hold the key to safeguarding the future of Australia's critically endangered carnivorous plants. The brand-new technology-- developed by researchers from Curtin University, the Botanical and Zoological Natural History Collections in Munich, and the University of Munich-- enables specialists...

This Biohacker Became the First Person to Edit His Own DNA

Credit: CI Photos/Shutterstock Josiah Zayner is the first individual known to have modified his personal DNA and he revealed the planet just how easy it is to do, live-streaming the process on his blog, "Science, Art, Beauty". Zayner claims this was the second time he has genetically changed himself. Utilizing CRISPR, a fairly new gene-editing method,...

4 Answers to Key Questions About the Monkeypox Outbreak

More than 300 people in 21 nations outside Africa have been infected with the illness. Monkeypox (orange), shown infecting monkey cells (green) in this colorized electron micrograph, has spread to multiple countries outside Africa. The large outbreak is unusual for the virus, which is transmitted by close contact. NIAID/FLICKR (CC BY 2.0) An outbreak of monkeypox...

Scientists Target Protein to Lower the Risk of Prostate Cancer Spread

According to a study conducted by Cedars-Sinai Cancer investigators, targeting a particular protein usually overexpressed in prostate cancer can assist stop or retard the disease from spreading to other body parts. The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications, opens the possibility of using available commercial medications, including one approved by the Fda for...

Height Increases Risk of Certain Diseases

A multi-population phenome-wide organization research of genetically predicted elevation in the Million Professional Program. In a current research study published in the Journal PLoS Genetics, scientists checked out just how elevation established a number of typical professional traits in grownups by contrasting organizations of those traits with real- as well as genetically-predicted-height. They utilized the...

Bacteria with Recording Function Capture Gut Health Status

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Our intestine is residence to plenty of bacteria, which help us digest food. However, just what do the microorganisms do inside the body? Which enzymes do they create, and when? And how do the bacteria metabolize health-promoting foods that aid us in minimizing disease? To obtain replies to such matters, researchers at...

All of Life’s Nucleic Acids May Have Extraterrestrial Origins

All 5 nucleobases of RNA and DNA have been found in meteorites for the first time. These chemicals are necessary ingredients for life on Earth and numerous purines and also two pyrimidines-- thymine and cytosine-- not previously spotted in meteorites were discovered. The discoveries originate from analyzing three carbonaceous meteorites, known to be abundant in...

Researchers Develop a New Platform Technology For Personalized Cancer Treatment

Destroying cancer cells without affecting bordering normal cells is the most desirable method for targeted cancer treatment. However, it can not be easily accomplished because of the resemblances in the properties in between normal and cancer cells. So scientists at the IBS developed an innovative strategy called CINDELA (Cancer-specific INDEL Attacker). Which invades cancer-specific...

How Plants Grew To Colonize Land Over 500 Million Years Ago

Credit: Scitech Daily Scientists analyzing one of the largest genomic datasets of plants. Have actually found how the first plants on Earth evolved the mechanisms used to control water and 'breathe' on land hundreds of millions of years ago.The research study by the University of Bristol and University of Essex. Published in New Phytologist, has...