Search Results - solar

Floating Farm, a New Concept of Sustainability

This floating farm transforms salty sea water into nutrients for agriculture and improves the marine environment! Credit: disenoyucatan. A New Concept of Green Preservation Floating Farm is a concept that involves the development of a sustainable farm on a floating platform. The idea behind the concept is to use the available space in water bodies such...

Bangladesh Develops Innovations to Fight Climate Change

People moving under heavy rain in Bangladesh. Credit: Newshour. Bangladesh, a country with low-lying topography, contributes only 0.5% of the global carbon emissions. Despite its minimal carbon footprint, Bangladesh bears a disproportionate burden of the consequences of climate change caused by such emissions. Nevertheless, Bangladesh is actively developing innovative methods to forecast and safeguard against...

SpaceX's Starship - the vehicle that will take humans to mars

Starship Mankind’s Interplanetary Vehicle

SpaceX's Starship. Credit: SpaceX Unless you have been extremely busy, you must have heard of SpaceX's Starship fully assembled test flight. Despite the fact that the test did not go as planned, there are good lessons to take from it. It is important to notice that such an event is still a landmark for humanity,...

The Current Discovery Sheds Light On Very Early Supermassive Black Holes

This system consists of a pair of galaxies, dubbed IC 694 and NGC 3690, which made a close pass some 700 million years ago. As a result of this interaction, the system underwent a fierce burst of star formation. In the last fifteen years or so six supernovae have popped off in the outer...

Scientists Create Squid-Inspired ‘Liquid Windows ‘

Prototypes designed and built by Kay et al. contain several layers of channels, each of which contain fluids with various optical properties; by pumping the fluids in and out of the channels, the system can optimize the type, quantity and distribution of light passing through. Credit: Raphael Kay / Adrian So. A team of scientists at...

Planetary Scientist Argues for Sending a Dedicated Probe to Uranus

A panel of experts thinks that Nasa should send a spacecraft to Uranus Credito: NASA Kathleen Mandt Kathleen Mandt, a planetary scientist at Johns Hopkins College's Applied Physics Research laboratory. In her Perspectives piece published in the journal Science, Kathleen Mandt highlights the scientific value of a dedicated Uranus probe. Uranus, one of the...

Earth’s Internal Core Rotation May Have Paused and Perhaps Reversed

Earth's inner core. Credit: Rost-9D/iStock The rotation of the Earth's solid inner core may have recently stopped briefly as well as could be reversing, according to a study released in Nature Geoscience this week. The authors show proof that oscillation in the rotation of the internal core coincides with periodic changes in the Earth's surface...

Thirteen Recent Pulsars Discovered with MeerKAT

Intensity as a function of time and spin phase for the two detections of the new eclipsing redback pulsar 47 Tuc ad. Left panel: Parkes observation made on 2004/05/27. Right panel: MeerKAT discovery observation. Credit: Ridolfi et al., 2021. Utilizing the MeerKAT radio telescope, astronomers from the Max Planck Institution for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) in...

New Outcomes Reveal Surprising Behavior of Minerals Deep in the Earth

Boudinage in brecciated dolostone rocks of the Panamint Range (Wildrose Area, Death Valley National Park). New research shows that periclase is stronger than bridgmanite in the earth's lower mantle, analogous to boudins developing in rigid ("stronger") rocks among less competent ("weaker") rocks. Credit: Jennifer M. Jackson, Caltech As you are reading this, more than 400...

Building Blocks of Life Found in Meteorite That Crash-Landed in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire

Credit: Royal Holloway, University of London Finding the building blocks of life New research released on the organic analysis of the Winchcombe meteorite that crash-landed onto a driveway in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, in 2021. The research, led by Dr. Queenie Chan from the Department of Earth Sciences at Royal Holloway, University of London, discovered organic compounds from...