Search Results - solar

Massive Volcanic Outburst Spotted on Jupiter’s Hellish Moon Io

An infrared image of Io snapped by Juno in July 2022. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/ASI/INAF/JIRAM) The most powerful volcanic eruptions in the Solar System occur not on Earth, however on Io, a sulfurous moon orbiting the planet Jupiter. And currently, researchers from the Planetary Science Institute (PSI) in the United States have noticed a current outburst that's been surprisingly productive,...

Giant Mantle Plume Reveals Mars is More Active Than Previously Thought

Planet Mars illustration . Credit: © revers_jr / On Earth, shifting tectonic plates reshuffle the planet's surface and make for a dynamic interior, so the lack of such processes on Mars led several to think of it as a dead planet where not much occurred in the past 3 billion years. In the present problem...

Fusion Technology Is Reaching a Turning Point that Could Change the Energy Game

A donut-shaped magnetic confinement device called a tokamak is one of the leading designs for a working fusion power generator, with many such experiments running worldwide. Credit: Christopher Roux, EUROfusion Consortium, CC BY Our society faces the grand difficulty of offering sustainable, secure, and affordable forms of generating energy while trying to reduce CO2 emissions to net...

There Are 6 Billion Earth-Like Planets in the Milky Way Galaxy Alone, Astronomers Suggest

Credit: NASA Maybe you believe that one Earth is sufficient. However, what if the number was in the billions? According to a recent research study, the number of Earth-like planets in our Milky Way galaxy can approach 6 billion. Astronomers at the College of British Columbia (UBC) examined information from NASA's Kepler project and also came...

A Big Problem With Fusion is Solved

Since the dynamics inside a fusion reactor are extremely complicated, the walls may melt. Image credit: Max Planck Institute of Plasma physics. Cutaway of a Fusion Reactor A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) and the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wein) has actually found a way to manage Type-I...

Heaviest Element Yet Detected in an Exoplanet Atmosphere

Artist’s impression of an ultra-hot Jupiter transiting its star Utilizing the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO's VLT), astronomers have spotted the heaviest element ever found in an exoplanet atmosphere-- barium. They were surprised to find barium at high altitudes in the atmospheres of the ultra-hot gas giants WASP-76 b and WASP-121 b-- two...

NASA’s New Vasimr Plasma Engine Could Get to Mars in Less Than 6 Weeks

Ad Astra’s rocket will travel ten times quicker than today’s chemical rockets while using one-tenth the amount of fuel. NASA lately delivered $10 million in financing to Ad Astra Rocket Company of Texas for more development of its Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR), an electromagnetic thruster efficient of propelling a spaceship to Mars in...

Research Sheds More Light on the Star Formation History and Framework of IC 1396

WISE W4 (22.19 µm) image of the IC 1396 HII region. The BRCs are labeled with their names. Credit: Pelayo-B Utilizing different telescopes, a worldwide group of astronomers has studied into IC 1396-- a close-by area of ionized atomic hydrogen. Outcomes of the research, released October 21st on, yield essential understandings concerning the star...

NASA Moon Mission ‘Surpassing’ Expectations

NASA's Orion spacecraft en route for the Moon, with the Earth in the background, in a photo released by NASA in November 2022. Exceeding expectations On the third day after taking off from Florida bound for the Moon, the Orion spacecraft is "surpassing effectiveness expectations," NASA officials stated on Friday. First flight aims to ensure vehicle safety The...

Why Daylight Saving Time isn’t Healthy

Morning light assists keep our biological rhythms on the right track. Daylight saving time throws that off. Daylight saving time has finished, and many Americans have turned their clocks back an hour. On November 6, every state in the United States other than Hawaii and the majority of Arizona changed from daylight saving time, or DST,...