Search Results - telescope

Superaerophobic Polyethyleneimine Hydrogels Improve Electrochemical Hydrogen Manufacturing by Promoting Bubble Detachment

The scheme for a mechanism of bubble-detachment. a) Normal flat electrode, b) the problems of adhered bubbles, and c) various approaches for the removal of gas bubbles. In (a), R, ρ, g, and λ indicate the dimension of bubbles, the density of a solution, gravitational acceleration constant, and surface tension of a solution, respectively....

Research Sheds More Light on the Star Formation History and Framework of IC 1396

WISE W4 (22.19 µm) image of the IC 1396 HII region. The BRCs are labeled with their names. Credit: Pelayo-B Utilizing different telescopes, a worldwide group of astronomers has studied into IC 1396-- a close-by area of ionized atomic hydrogen. Outcomes of the research, released October 21st on, yield essential understandings concerning the star...

Astrophysicists Seek For Second-Nearst Supermassive Black Hole

The ultra-faint Milky Way companion galaxy Leo I appears as a faint patch to the right of the bright star, Regulus. Credit: Scott Anttila Anttler 2 astrophysicists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have proposed a method to see what could be the second-closest supermassive black hole to Planet: a behemoth three million times the...

This Lunar Eclipse Composite is so Stunning, We Can Not Believe It’s Real

A composite image from the 8 November 2022 total lunar eclipse showing the moon in various stages throughout the night. (Andrew McCarthy) We have seen some great pictures from the total lunar eclipse recently. But this one might top them all. Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy produced this incredible composite photo, showing the Moon in different eclipse phases throughout...

Heaviest Element Yet Detected in an Exoplanet Atmosphere

This artist’s impression shows an ultra-hot exoplanet, a planet beyond our Solar System, as it is about to transit in front of its host star. When the light from the star passes through the planet’s atmosphere, it is filtered by the chemical elements and molecules in the gaseous layer. With sensitive instruments, the signatures...

New Study of Comets Provides Insight into Chemical Composition of Early Solar System

Data from 25 comets were compiled to test predictions of solar system formation and evolution. A current research study from the College of Central Florida has discovered solid support that the outgassing of particles from comets could be the outcome of the composition from the start of our solar system. The outcomes were released today in...

Early Planetary Migration Can Explain Missing Planets

Credit: Canva The model represents a shortage of planets with masses between super-Earths and mini-Neptunes A new model that represents the interaction of forces acting upon newborn planets can clarify two puzzling observations that have repeatedly turned up among the over 3,800 planetary systems cataloged to date. One puzzle called the "radius valley" refers to the rarity...

A Current Potentially Dangerous Asteroid Found

Three near-Earth asteroids -- one potentially hazardous -- were found using a high-tech instrument at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. On Monday, an international group of astronomers reported the finding of a giant asteroid whose orbit crosses that of Earth, developing a slight possibility far in the future of a disastrous accident. The 1.5-kilometre-...

JWST Spots the Tiniest Galaxy Outside Our Local Globe

The giant El Gordo galaxy cluster has been used to spot a tiny galaxy beyond it. Credit: NASA. The James Webb Space Telescope has glimpsed the tiniest galaxy outside our regional world-- and it is a thousand times much less huge than the Milky Way. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found the tiniest galaxy...