Superaerophobic Polyethyleneimine Hydrogels Improve Electrochemical Hydrogen Manufacturing by Promoting Bubble Detachment

Superaerophobic Polyethyleneimine Hydrogels Improve Electrochemical Hydrogen Manufacturing by Promoting Bubble Detachment

The scheme for a mechanism of bubble-detachment. a) Normal flat electrode, b) the problems of adhered bubbles, and c) various approaches for the removal of gas bubbles. In (a), R, ρ, g, and λ indicate the dimension of bubbles, the density of a solution, gravitational acceleration constant, and surface tension of a solution, respectively. Credit: UNIST

An investigation study group affiliated with UNIST lately reported that the perfomance of electrodes for an alkaline hydrogen evolution response (HER) can be greatly enhanced even without expensive electrocatalysts as well as complicated processes by changing them with superaerophobic polymeric hydrogels. This breakthrough has been led by Lecturer Jungki Ryu and also his research study group in the Division of Energy Engineering at UNIST.

In this study, the investigation group reported a simple method to improve the efficiency of electrochemical hydrogen manufacturing by imparting superaerophobicity to an underlying electrode with porous polymeric hydrogels. Superaerophobic hydrogels were readily covered on target substrates by cross-linking polyethyleneimine (PEI) through Schiff-base condensation reactions followed by freeze-drying, noted the research study group.

Consequently, they could conveniently control the pore size, porosity, and also superaerophobicity of the hydrogel-coated electrodes by varying the concentrations of PEI upon cross-linking. As a result of the easy elimination of as-generated hydrogen bubbles, the NF electrode modified with PEI hydrogel only outperformed those modified with costly electrocatalysts, especially at high current densities, according to the study group.

“We think that our outcomes can pave the way for the practical application of water electrolysis by offering insights into the design of electrodes and electrolyzers,” cited the research study group.

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