Tag - Africa

Supervolcano Eruption Sheds Light on Human Migration from Africa

A volcanic eruption. Credit: PixabayContrary to previous assumptions regarding the migration of modern humans out of Africa, it is suggested that some movement may have been prompted not by 'green corridors,' but by hardship or deprivation.A recent analysis involving volcanic glass discovered in Ethiopia suggests that humans inhabited regions experiencing potential drought conditions in...

DNA From Child Burials Shows ‘Exceptionally Different’ Human Landscape in Ancient Africa

People like these Baka hunter-gatherers once ranged well beyond their current homeland in Central Africa. Credit: CYRIL RUOSO/MINDEN PICTURESChildren's skeletons give genomes more than 3000 years oldCentral Africa is far too hot and humid for ancient DNA to survive-- or so scientists assumed. Currently, the bones of four children buried thousands of years earlier...