Tag - Atmosphere

Study Proposes Diamond Injection to Cool the Planet

Credit: PixabayHeist movies are rarely about solving climate change, and for good reason. It’s hard to imagine George Clooney racing down the highway with a truckload of stolen diamonds, saying, "Hey, let’s crush these sparkly gems into powder and scatter them through the stratosphere to cool the planet."Calculating Diamonds for Global CoolingHowever, a team...

Sulfur Injection into Atmosphere, Potential Hazards

Credit: PixabayAs climate indicators worsen, demands for radical technological solutions intensify. Yet, numerous studies consistently reveal that embracing forced geoengineering involves significant perilous consequences.Fresh research cautions against the potential consequences of injecting sulfate particles into the atmosphere as a means to replicate the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions by reflecting sunlight. If these particles...

A Breakthrough Discovery: Oxygen Atoms Unveiled in Venus’ Dayside Atmosphere

Planet Venus. Credit: Unsplash.For the first time, oxygen atoms have been identified in the dayside atmosphere of Venus, free from being part of larger molecules. This revelation not only marks a significant advancement in our understanding of Venus but also paves the way for future missions to the enigmatic planet.Revised TextFor the first time...

Using Minnesota Rocks To Illustrate How An Atmosphere Could Have Formed On Mars

Comparison between (proto-)serpentinites of the Duluth Complex and available samples from Mars. Credit: Science Advances (2023). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add8472A pair of researchers, hailing respectively from the University of Calgary in Canada and the University of Cambridge in the UK, have found that analyzing rocks from Duluth, Minnesota, may yield understanding about the development of the ancient atmosphere...

Mercury Earliest Atmosphere

Nasa/JHU/Carnegie CreditMercury is a really peculiar planet. The tiniest in the solar system and the one nearest to the sun, it rotates slowly in a 3:2 spin resonance and experiences hot temperatures of up to 430 degrees Celsius during the day and cold temperatures of -170 degrees Celsius at night.Its average density is...