Tag - Biomedical Engineering

Even while working out, sweat-proof electronic “Smart Skin” Accurately Measures Vitals

The study picture of the 3D-printed Eardrum Repair Patch being produced by the INVISIONTEC BIOPLOTTER 3D printer is being studied by a researcher. The Repair Patch will be made of a biodegradable elastomer that can be customized and has a circular and radial framework that mimics biological tissue. (Credit: Business Wire)A sweat-proof electronic skin...

Affordable Inflatable Bionic Hand Offers Real-Time Tactile Control for Amputees

An MIT-developed inflatable robotic prosthetic hand provides amputees real-time responsive control. The smart hand is soft and flexible, weighs around 0.23 kilograms, and costs a fraction of similar prosthetics. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers at MIT / MIT NewsProsthetics enable a wide range of everyday tasks, including shaking hands, stroking cats, and zipping up...