Tag - Biotechnology

Neuralink, Mind Control or Advanced Technology

“I am so secure about Neuralink that I can implant it in my kids”. Elon MuskTechnology has come way too far, isn't it? Today we more often hear about a Neuralink´s coin size device capable of making humans control several devices just with their thought. Well, this has also implications for important fields such...

The Risks Of Commercial Brain-Computer Interfaces

Electroencephalography (EEG), a technique for noninvasively measuring the electrical activity of the brain. Credit: iStoockResearchers raise concerns about the possible social, moral, and legal repercussions of technology's close relationship with the human brain.However, it may sound like a cyborg future where people can communicate with and control other people's external technological gadgets by using...

Even while working out, sweat-proof electronic “Smart Skin” Accurately Measures Vitals

The study picture of the 3D-printed Eardrum Repair Patch being produced by the INVISIONTEC BIOPLOTTER 3D printer is being studied by a researcher. The Repair Patch will be made of a biodegradable elastomer that can be customized and has a circular and radial framework that mimics biological tissue. (Credit: Business Wire)A sweat-proof electronic skin...

Harvard’s 3D-Printed Eardrum Repair Patch is Awaiting Market Acceptance

Eardrum perforations can cause pain in addition to hearing loss and are difficult to repair. The PhonoGraft is a 3D-printed implant created by Harvard scientists that may cure harm by stimulating natural cell renewal. It is presently available for sale.The eardrum, or tympanic the membrane itself, is a thin, round segment of tissue that...