Tag - Brain

Finding Structure in the Brain’s Static

Much of the electrical activity in the brain looks like noise and is not associated with reactions to any particular stimuli. The scientists found that there was structure in the noise that could reveal the state of attentiveness in the brain. In this model of brain activity in the monkey visual cortex, the overall...

DETI Brain Mapping Technique Reveals Neural Code of Vision Handling With Time

DETI mapping results from the brain of a person viewing one of the stimuli used in the experiment (far left). The central column shows a flattened topographical map of the electrodes over the back of the head, illustrating the variation of DETI maps at each electrode across that scalp region. On the right-hand side,...

Toxic Proteins Related to Parkinson’s Disease Blocked By Natural Human Molecules

Scientists at the UAB and the UniZar have detected a human peptide located in the brain that prevents the α-synuclein aggregates associated with Parkinson's disease and helps prevent their neurotoxicity. The research released in Nature Communications suggests that this may be one of the organism's natural systems to combat aggregation. The learning might help...