Tag - Decades

A Man Destined for Alzheimer’s Defied It for Decades—Here’s How

Credit:PixabayIn a remarkable case, a man with a high genetic risk for Alzheimer’s defied the odds, avoiding the disease for decades despite carrying a mutation that almost always triggers early onset. His case, the only known instance involving the PSEN2 mutation, adds to just two other recorded cases of extreme Alzheimer’s resilience—both linked to...

Apes can Identify Friends they Haven’t Encountered for Decades

Chimpanzees, as well as bonobos, recognize long-lost friends and family . Creditt: PixaobayApes outshine many of us as they promptly recognize family and friends even after a gap of over two decades, marking the longest-recorded "social memory" in a non-human species.Providing crucial understanding of the evolution of human social recognition, the Johns Hopkins University study...