Tag - JWST

What We’ve Learned From the JWST Three Years After Its Launch

The JWST image of NGC 628. The new Webb image of NGC 628. (Judy Schmidt/Flickr, CC BY 2.0)Three years ago, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched, marking a monumental moment in space exploration. As the largest and most powerful space telescope ever built, it has redefined our understanding of the Universe in just a...

JWST Takes Detailed Picture of The Horsehead Nebula’s Features

JWST captured a near-infrared image of the boundary of the Horsehead Nebula. (Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, K. Misselt/University of Arizona, and A. Abergel/IAS/University Paris-Saclay/CNRS)A fresh perspective has just unveiled a renowned feature in our planet's sky.Mid- and near-infrared investigations conducted by the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed never-before-seen characteristics in the Horsehead Nebula...