Search Results - genetic

A Recently Discovered Molecule Boosts White Blood Cell Levels to Combat Infections

A new molecule called A485 has been found to boost levels of white blood cells, which can help clear out infectionsDepositphotos White blood cells play a crucial role as immune system defenders, but their levels can be diminished by health conditions or treatments such as chemotherapy. Researchers at Yale have identified a molecule that, when...

Gene Therapy Trial Enables 5 Deaf Children to Hear

Five children born deaf have gained the ability to hear and recognize speech, thanks to a groundbreaking gene therapy clinical trialDepositphotos A groundbreaking clinical trial utilizing gene therapy has successfully restored hearing in five children who were born deaf. Within six months, these children regained the ability to recognize speech and engage in conversations, sparking...

Lactose-Intolerant Milk Drinkers may Face a Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

If milk is hard for you to digest, you might have a genetic variant that could make it possible for the beverage to also lower your risk of developing diabetes. Credit: Pixaobay Contrary to common beliefs, a recent study suggests that individuals who are lactose intolerant might benefit from daily milk consumption as a preventive...

Anti-aging Breakthrough may Boost Middle-Aged Women’s Fertility

Scientists in China have discovered a mechanism that reduces female fertility in middle age – and potentially a way to reverse it. Credit: Pixaobay The decline in women's fertility typically begins in their mid-30s, posing challenges for conceiving in middle age. Scientists have discovered a mechanism that accelerates ovarian aging and have, in mice at...

Bioluminescent Breakthrough: COVID-19 Test Yields Accurate Results in 1 Minute

Researchers are developing an ultra-fast COVID test inspired by crustaceans that possess natural bioluminescence. Credit: ACS. In the post-pandemic era, undergoing a rapid COVID-19 test has become all too familiar. Typically, individuals endure an anxious 15-minute wait before obtaining their results. However, drawing inspiration from bioluminescent crustaceans, a groundbreaking prototype test aims to reduce this...

Rare Insect Makes Remarkable Comeback from Near-Extinction

Lord Howe Island Stick Insect (Dryococelus australis) (Zoos Victoria) Just 20 to 30 'tree lobsters' are left in their natural habitat, and this vulnerable group was found again in 2001, 80 years after being thought extinct.The wild Lord Howe Island stick insects (Dryococelus australis) currently cling to survival on Ball's Pyramid, a nearly vertical volcanic outcrop.San...

Study Identifies Single-Gene Mutation Linked to Lupus

Researchers have pinpointed a genetic mutation that can lead to lupusDepositphotos In two distinct research endeavors, German scientists have pinpointed the singular genetic mutation associated with the incurable autoimmune disorder lupus. This breakthrough paves the way for the development of novel therapeutic strategies and the ability to conduct tests for the mutation, facilitating early detection...

The Amyloid Hypothesis: Rewriting Life’s Origin Story

Credit: Pexels The mystery of how living organism originated from non-living matter is still one of the most profound puzzles in science. Despite various theories, a definitive explanation remains elusive, which is not surprising given that these events took place three to four billion years ago in vastly different conditions on Earth. Justifying hypotheses with experimental...

The Influence of Supergenes on the Evolutionary Process

Formica wood ant. Credit: Pixaobay Locking together beneficial traits, supergenes confer significant evolutionary advantages. However, this association comes with potential costs, as it becomes exceedingly challenging to eliminate detrimental mutations. Traditionally, it has been believed that sexual reproduction evolved as a means for organisms to mix or recombine different alleles (gene variations) in the next generation, creating...

Losing a Sibling in Childhood Increases Heart Disease Risk by 17%

A study has linked the death of a sibling in childhood to an increased risk of heart disease later in life. Credit: Pixaobay Recent studies have established a connection between the early loss of a sibling and a 17% higher likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, particularly in its early stages. These results underscore the...