Search Results - genetic

Viagra Cuts Alzheimer’s Risk by Over 50%

Credit: Deposithphotos Researchers in the US, through an analysis of medical insurance data combined with laboratory research on the genetic and neurological impacts of sildenafil, an FDA-approved drug for erectile dysfunction often marketed as Viagra, have affirmed the medication's potential in preventing critical proteins in nerve cells from forming harmful tangles, suggesting its potential as...

Key to Lyme Disease Prevention Found in Human Sweat?

It is estimated that around 476,000 Americans could receive a diagnosis of Lyme disease this year. gabort – New hope may be on the horizon in the battle against Lyme disease, an illness transmitted by ticks that can sometimes lead to long-term health problems. A recent study conducted by researchers from MIT and the University...

Scientists Discovered and Deactivated a Brain Fear Switch

Credit: Pixaobay The sensation of hairs standing on end, the cold sensation in the stomach, the rapid heartbeat triggered by a sudden movement in the shadows—these experiences evoke fear. Fear, while capable of causing distress and discomfort, can also be oddly exhilarating. However, it serves a crucial purpose as an instinctual reaction to danger, potentially...

Transgenic Cows Boost Human Insulin Tenfold

Cash cows: Transgenic cattle could boost insulin production and lower its cost. Credit: Pixaobay A recent study reveals that a genetically modified cow has successfully produced milk containing human insulin. This breakthrough suggests a potential solution to ensure sufficient insulin production at a reduced cost for all diabetic patients. Type 1 diabetics,...

Cystic Fibrosis Breakthrough: Zinc as an Infection Fighter

Zinc can restore immune function and reduce lung infections in people with cystic fibrosisAI-generated by DALL-E Researchers have identified zinc as crucial for combating lung infections in individuals with cystic fibrosis, as the genetic mutation responsible for the disease diminishes the natural ability of their immune cells to fight bacteria. This discovery may lead to...

Hair Loss & Prostate Drug may Lower Heart Risk in Men and Mice

Credit: Depositphotos Millions worldwide receive prescriptions for the medication finasteride, commonly known as Propecia or Proscar, to address male pattern baldness and enlarged prostate. However, a recent study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign suggests that it may offer an unexpected and potentially life-saving advantage: reducing cholesterol levels and decreasing the overall risk of cardiovascular...

Cultivated Testicles Aid Fertility Treatment

Lab-grown testicles may advance our understanding of the organs and translate into new treatments for infertilityDepositphotos Scientists have produced artificial testicle organoids closely mimicking authentic ones. This advancement offers a hopeful avenue for research, potentially enhancing our comprehension of organ development and leading to treatments for male infertility. Organoids, miniature 3D organs grown in labs mainly...

A New Type of Biological Entity Found in Our Bodies

Stanford scientists have discovered a completely new type of microbe in the human microbiome, which they call ObelisksDepositphotos Trillions of microbes, spanning bacteria, viruses, fungi, and more, inhabit our bodies. Recently, Stanford researchers unearthed a fresh category of biological entities within us, dubbing them "Obelisks" with an air of mystery. The expansive microbiome we harbor continues...

Modified Skin Bacteria Combat Acne by Producing a Common Drug

Scientists have engineered skin-dwelling bacteria to produce their own anti-acne drugs. Credit: Pixaobay Researchers have shown a novel approach to combat acne by genetically modifying skin bacteria to produce proteins present in acne medications, highlighting a potential breakthrough in acne treatment. Acne initiates when hair follicles become obstructed with a combination of dead skin cells and...