Search Results - solar

Reimagining Neptune and Uranus: New Images Challenge Perceptions of Planet Colors

The authentic color rendition of Voyager photos reveals a striking similarity in hue between the ice giant planets. Photo credit: Patrick Irwin/University of Oxford/NASA Uranus and Neptune, the giant ice planets within our solar system, have long been recognized for their similarities. One noticeable distinction, their coloration, has captivated scientific curiosity, with Uranus appearing aquamarine...

Juno Finishes Its Nearest Pass by Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io

Juno provided detailed pictures of Io in the course of the flyby for NASA. NASA's Juno spacecraft had its closest encounter with Jupiter's moon Io in more than two decades on December 30, 2023. The robotic probe approached within 930 miles (1,500 km) of the volcanic moon, capturing detailed images of its south pole. Initiated on...

Observations for the Night Sky in January: Linking Celestial Patterns through Asterisms

Celestial bodies comprising the Winter Circle, visible on January 1, 2024, as observed through Sky Safari. In our notes about the night sky in December, we talked about how the Orion constellation looks like an hourglass and is easy to see. But guess what? It turns out that what we see as Orion is not...

Self-Driven Bioinspired Crawler Vine Seeks Light and Heat

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA/IEEECredit: IEEE Spectrum Over a long period of evolution, vines honed the skill of finding light and growing toward it, ensuring their access to the sunlight needed for survival. Recently, scientists made a crawler robot inspired by vines capable of mimicking this behavior by moving toward light and heat sources. This...

Voyager 1 Encounters a Data Transmission Issue

Artist's concept of Voyager 1NASA NASA engineers are currently addressing a newly discovered issue in one of the computers on the Voyager 1 deep space probe. This fault is hindering the 46-year-old spacecraft from sending any scientific or engineering data to Mission Control on Earth. Launched in 1977 from the Kennedy Space Center, Voyager 1, alongside...

Bird-Inspired Cultural Center Blossoms in China

The Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Art Centre is inspired by the distinctive chevron patterns of migratory birds, says Zaha Hadid ArchitectsVirgile Simon Bertrand Zaha Hadid Architects has finished the Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Art Centre, characterized by a visually striking design inspired by the unique chevron patterns of migrating birds. However, the structure is crowned with four...

The Era of Polyethylene Waste: A Potential Solution on the Horizon

Credit: Unsplash. An international team of experts, led by Professor Shizhang Qiao from the University of Adelaide's School of Chemical Engineering, has successfully converted polyethylene waste (PE) into valuable chemicals using light-driven photocatalysis. This innovative approach provides an eco-friendly solution to address plastic pollution and harnesses renewable solar energy instead of relying on traditional fossil fuel-based...

Ideal Stars for Finding Life

This picture shows three types of stars in our galaxy: G stars, which are like our Sun; K dwarfs, which are smaller and cooler; and M dwarfs, which are even fainter and cooler. It compares them in terms of important things. Hotter stars have wider habitable zones where life might exist. Red dwarf M...

James Webb’s Discovery: Milky Way’s Heart Revealed

The NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) tool aboard NASA's James Webb Space Telescope presents a fresh perspective on a segment of the Milky Way's dense core. Approximately 500,000 stars illuminate the Sagittarius C (Sgr C) region in this image, featuring some yet-to-be-identified elements. In cyan, a substantial area of ionized hydrogen reveals fascinating needle-like formations that...

France and Italy Collaborate to Construct a Lunar Habitat

Artist's concept of the Franco-Italian Moon habitatThales Alenia France and Italy are joining forces to create a facility for upcoming moon bases. The Franco-Italian technology company Thales Alenia Space and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) have entered into a contract to design the Multi-Purpose Habitat (MPH) for NASA's Artemis project. In recent aerospace endeavors, considerable focus...