Search Results - solar

Centuries-Old ‘Dolomite Problem’ Finally Solved

Credit: Michigan Engineering News For two centuries, scientists struggled to replicate a common mineral's natural formation conditions in lab settings. Recently, a collaboration between the University of Michigan and Hokkaido University cracked this puzzle, achieving success by applying a novel theory derived from atomic simulations. This breakthrough addresses the persistent geological enigma known as the "Dolomite...

Despite its Intense Heat, Mercury May Harbor Polar Glaciers

Mercury may have buried glaciers near its north poleNASA Discovering subterranean salt glaciers at the north pole of the scorching planet Mercury might seem as improbable as locating a ski resort in the Amazon, yet a team of scientists from the Planetary Science Institute asserts they have uncovered supporting evidence for this phenomenon. Mercury is renowned...

Heatherwick Studio Adds Greenery to a Tokyo District’s Design

Azabudai Hills is part of a massive redevelopment effort in central Tokyo that has taken 30 yearsKenji Masunaga Heatherwick Studio has finished the construction of a bold district in downtown Tokyo known as Azabudai Hills. This project, characterized by Heatherwick Studio's inclination for integrating abundant greenery, features a collection of low-rise buildings with intricately curved...

Thor e-RV Charging Station Offers Glimpse into Future of EV Camping

Thor shows the EV tow vehicle and the Airstream x Porsche concept trailer charging simultaneously in a long pull-through charging lane designed for the needs of e-RVing Thor Industries Global RV manufacturer Thor Industries has been preparing for the electric vehicle era, showcasing concepts like the Vision Vehicle fuel cell motorhome and Airstream eStream self-driving electric...

Lo’s Global Volcanic Activity Results from Focused Tidal Heating in its Upper Mantle

Hot spot detections. The maximum, unsaturated 4.8 μm (M-band) spectral radiances from 266 hot spots identified in Juno JIRAM data obtained from March 2017 to July 2022, using data from orbits PJ5 to PJ43 grouped by order of magnitude. The larger the symbol, the greater the 4.8 μm spectral radiance. This is an equal-area Mollweide projection...

James Webb Telescope Discovers Water Vapor, Sulfur Dioxide, and Sand Clouds on Nearby Exoplanet

Credit: BGR A team of European astronomers, including researchers from KU Leuven's Institute of Astronomy, utilized the James Webb Space Telescope for recent observations on the atmosphere of the nearby exoplanet WASP-107b. Peering deep into its cloudy atmosphere, they identified water vapor, sulfur dioxide, and even silicate sand clouds. These elements exist within a dynamic...

Global Temperatures Surpass 2°C Threshold for the First Time in History

These isolated instances of elevated global temperatures are indicative of a larger overarching trend. Credit: Unsplash. In a concerning development late last week, global temperatures briefly surged past a critical benchmark that climate scientists had been dreading. Preliminary data suggests that on Friday, the mean global temperature likely exceeded a crucial threshold of 2°C (3.6°F)...

Use of Cosmetic Ingredients for Battery Protection

Credit: Unsplash Shielding Batteries with Cosmetics. Xanthan gum, sourced from plants like cabbage and renowned for its carbohydrate makeup, traditionally acts as a natural barrier in beauty products. In a recent innovation, this substance has been repurposed to create a protective layer for battery electrodes, deviating from its typical skincare application. Shielding Batteries with Cosmetics: a...

Low-Carbon Footprint Ammonia for Eco-Friendly Fertilizers

Credit: Yale E360 Researchers at UNSW Sydney, alongside collaborators, have pioneered an eco-friendly technique enabling ammonia production directly on farms, revolutionizing the traditional high-energy methods. The innovation, highlighted in a recent Applied Catalysis B: Environmental publication, drastically improves energy efficiency, scaling up green ammonia synthesis at an industrial level. Formerly reliant on energy-intensive processes contributing significantly...

Unprecedented Light Show: The Spectacular Arrival of the “BOAT” Gamma-Ray Burst

A visual representation capturing the formidable burst of gamma rays, stemming from an explosion in the remote cosmos, which reached Earth on October 9 of the previous year. Last year witnessed an extraordinary celestial event as Earth encountered the brightest flash of light ever recorded in the night sky, unsettling the upper atmosphere in an...