Search Results - solar

Why Did Comet Erasmus Wag its Tail Happily as it Passed by the Sun?

In a static image, Erasmus appears indistinguishable from any typical comet. However, as time progressed, its tail revealed a lively wag, reminiscent of an animated and spirited puppy. Credit: NASA. Renowned astronomer David H. Levy once likened comets to cats, asserting, "They both have tails and do precisely what they want." With his extensive experience...

The First Large-Scale Ocean Thermal Energy Generator is Set for Deployment in 2025

Global OTEC's clean energy barge, Dominique, harvests power from the temperature differential between deep water and surface waterGlobal OTEC On an average day, tropical oceans absorb around 278 petawatt-hours of solar energy. Capturing just 1/4000th of this energy could fulfill global daily electricity needs, and ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) offers a potential solution. Pioneering OTEC...

China’s Ambitious Mars Sample Return Mission and its Potential Impact on the Space Race

NASA has been the primary force in Martian research, utilizing instruments such as Hubble to capture images. However, the emergence of a formidable competitor has the potential to alter the landscape. Credit: NASA. A year ago, the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) quietly unveiled plans for a significant space exploration initiative, Tianwen-3, to bring back...

A Breakthrough Discovery: Oxygen Atoms Unveiled in Venus’ Dayside Atmosphere

Planet Venus. Credit: Unsplash. For the first time, oxygen atoms have been identified in the dayside atmosphere of Venus, free from being part of larger molecules. This revelation not only marks a significant advancement in our understanding of Venus but also paves the way for future missions to the enigmatic planet. Revised Text For the first time...

Global Temperature Approaches 1.5°C Threshold

Land drought. Credit: Unsplash. The pace of climate change is increasing, and the global temperature is expected to surpass the 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) warming limit in the coming decade, as indicated by a study published recently. This research, which includes contributions from scientists at NASA and Columbia University, highlights the growing urgency of...

Kepler Discovers a New System of 7 Planets

Seven Sweltering Worlds - A Glimpse of the Kepler-385 System. Credit: NASA/Daniel Rutter NASA's Kepler missions have concluded, but astronomers persist in refining their data, leading to remarkable discoveries in exoplanets. Among these findings is identifying the hottest seven-planet system, facilitated by meticulous data analysis. A Fiery Star at the Center: Kepler-385 At the heart of this...

Two Teams are Assessing Asteroid Mining’s Economic Viability

Credit: Pixaobay Two groups of economists have conducted economic evaluations of asteroid mining. One of these groups comprises individuals from the University of Tor Rome Vergata, the University of Maryland, and Middlebury College. They have considered asteroid mining as a natural progression in the financialization of space exploration. The second team, consisting of three members from...

Droughts Raise River Water Temperatures

Credit: Depositphotos A recent study unveils the impending rise in river temperatures due to reduced water flows and increasing atmospheric temperatures, posing significant challenges for aquatic ecosystems, wildlife, and human society. With the ongoing global warming attributed to climate change and the projected increase in the frequency and severity of droughts, a recent study sheds light...

Trade Associations Encourage Exploration of Alternatives to Electric Vehicles

An unexpected alliance composed of 100 petroleum, ethanol, farm, and retail organizations has called on the Biden administration to reevaluate its proposed "tailpipe" rule, which aims to make electric vehicles (EVs) the dominant new car and pickup truck choice by 2032.  This diverse group raised concerns about the rule's implications for gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles. It hinted...

Harnessing Sunlight to Convert Wastewater into Valuable Chemicals

Schematic Illustrating Solar-Driven Chemical Production from Engineered V. natriegens and Wastewater Contaminants for Sustainable and Efficient Processes. Credit: Nature Sustainability (2023). A groundbreaking study led by Prof. Gao Xiang from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Prof. Lu Lu from the Harbin Institute of Technology introduces an innovative method...