Search Results - electrode

Simulations Show Musk’s Vision System Performs Poorly

Credit: Pixabay Elon Musk's ambitious eye implants, which aim to surpass normal human vision, are unlikely to achieve this goal. Scientists using 'virtual patients' have highlighted the limitations of this technology, showing that even the best engineering cannot fully replicate human neurophysiology in restoring sight. Elon Musk's ambitious eye implants, which aim to surpass normal human...

Magnetic Brain Control Tech Alters Appetite and Behavior

An overview of the Nano-MIND technologyIBS Researchers have created a remote, non-invasive technique for selectively controlling brain neurons with magnetic fields. This method promises deeper insights into brain function and the potential for new treatments for disorders. In a recent study, researchers from the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and Yonsei University in South Korea tested...

Research Identifies the Brain’s Source of Creativity

Electrodes in multiple brain regions monitor real-time brain activity. Colored dots on the images indicate electrode locations across all patients, color-coded by brain region, with red dots highlighting electrodes in the DMN. Credit: Brain (2024). DOI: 10.1093/brain/awae199 Have you ever experienced a sudden breakthrough on a tough problem while thinking about something entirely different? This kind of...

Brain-in-a-Jar Biocomputers can Now Learn to Operate Robots

Human brain organoids wired into computer chips can now learn to drive robots thanks to a new biocomputing interface. Note: the images above are purely for demonstration, but the technology is legitTianjin University Living brain cells integrated into organoid-on-a-chip biocomputers are now capable of learning to control robots through MetaBOC, an open-source intelligent interaction system....

Honeybees Can Detect Lung Cancer by Scent

Honeybees’ olfactory systems are so sensitive that scientists may one day be able to use the insects to detect the odors of cancer. Credit: Pixabay Honeybees can identify the faint scents of lung cancer in laboratory settings, including the slight aroma detectable in a patient's breath. Leveraging the bees' remarkable sense of smell, scientists connected living...

AI Accurately Decodes Speech from Brain Activity

Credit: Pixabay An artificial intelligence can interpret words and sentences from brain activity with impressive, albeit constrained, accuracy. Based on brief recordings of brain activity, the AI can predict what a person has heard, accurately listing the correct answer within its top 10 choices up to 73% of the time, according to a preliminary study...

Fast-Charging Sodium-Ion Battery uses Tree-Based Anodes

Lignode is a carbon substance that Stora Enso and Altris are teaming to use to replace anode graphiteStora Enso "One month after Natron Energy launched mass production of its pioneering sodium-ion batteries, Swedish company Altris, in collaboration with Stora Enso, discovered a way to enhance the sustainability of lithium-free batteries by adapting carbon from tree...

Neuralink Aims to Perfect its Brain Implant on the Second Try

Neuralink's first human patient, Noland Arbaugh, has has some issues with the device, but still loves itNeuralink Noland Arbaugh became a quadriplegic after a swimming accident in 2016. In January of this year, he became the first person to receive Elon Musk's Neuralink brain implant, known as the Link, which aims to grant him telekinetic...

Scientists Propose Theory on Brain Activity Waves

Professor Dr. Petra Ritter's team has, for the first time, elucidated the movement of brain activity waves through a computer simulation. Previous research suggests these waves play a crucial role in cognitive functions like memory. Professor Dr. Petra Ritter, Johanna Quandt Professor at BIH, leads the brain simulation research group and heads the Brain Simulation...

The Most Efficient Hydrogen System in the World Scales up for Mass Production

Hysata guarantees the world's most affordable hydrogen with a groundbreaking device that splits water into H2 and O2 at 95% efficiency, which is about 20% more efficient than the top conventional electrolyzers. The company has secured US$111 million to expand production. Hydrogen production typically wastes 20-30% of renewable energy, contributing to high costs. Australian company...