Search Results - electrode

A Breakthrough in Nanotechnology: A Material-Keyboard Made of Graphene

The material keyboard realized by the ETH Zurich researchers. By applying electric voltages (“keys”) at different points, the magic-​angle graphene can become locally superconducting (electron pairs) or isolating (barrier on the right). Credit: ETH Zurich / F. de Vries Researchers at ETH Zurich have turned specially prepared graphene flakes into insulators or superconductors by using...

“Smart” Shirt Utilizes Flexible Carbon Nanotube Fibers To Keep Track of the Heart

Rice University graduate student Lauren Taylor shows a shirt with carbon nanotube thread that provides constant monitoring of the wearer’s heart. Credit: Jeff Fitlow/Rice University Rice's flexible carbon nanotube fibers woven into clothes collect precise EKG, heart rate. There is no demand to wear awkward smartwatches or chest straps to monitor your heart if your comfortable...

Light Does the Twist for Quantum Computing

The discoveries, by Nagoya College researchers and colleagues in Japan and released in the journal Advanced Materials, allude to the development of materials and device methods used in optical quantum computing data processing. Photons are light particles with fascinating properties that can be explored for the storage and transportation of data and reveal tremendous promise...

Igniting Plasmas in Liquid

The ignition of plasma under water. Credit: © Damian Gorczany Physicists of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have taken amazing pictures that allow the ignition process of plasma underwater to be observed and also tracked in real-time. Dr. Katharina Grosse has given the first data collections with the ultra-high temporal resolution, backing a new theory on igniting...

Researchers Infuse Bacteria with Silver to Boost Power Efficiency in Fuel Cells

Artist’s concept of a microbial fuel cell with efficiencies boosted by silver nanoparticles. Credit: Image created by AKang, Sphere Studio. Copyright: Yu Huang and Xiangfeng Duan A UCLA-led team of engineers and chemists had a significant advancement in developing microbial fuel cells-a modern technology that uses natural bacteria to remove electrons from organic matter in...

Cheaper Hydrogen Production

Electrolytic hydrogen manufacturing powered by renewable energy is viewed as an environmentally safe way to relieve international environmental and energy issues. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, a research study team presented a new and low-cost material for electrodes that may offer very efficient, energy-saving hydrogen production: porous, phosphorized CoNi2S4 yolk-shell nanospheres. The half-reactions of water...

Neuromorphic Chip: Artificial Neurons Identify Biosignals in Real Time

The neuromorphic chip reliably and precisely detects high-frequency oscillations in previously recorded intracranial EEG. Credit: UZH, ETHZ, USZ Scientists from Zurich have created a portable, energy-efficient gadget made from synthetic neurons that can decode brainwaves. The chip uses information recorded from the brainwaves of epilepsy patients to determine which regions of the brain cause epileptic...

Brain Memory Signals Connected to Blood Glucose Levels in New Research

A set of brain signals known to assist memories form may additionally influence blood glucose levels, finds brand-new research in rats. Researchers at NYU Grossman College of Medicine discovered that a strange signaling pattern in the brain area called the hippocampus, connected by previous studies to memory development, likewise affects the metabolic process, the procedure...