Search Results - genetic

Without Evolutionary Genetic Variation, Asexual Invasive Species Discover New Techniques of Adjusting to Their Environment

A Naupactus cervinus weevil, a common, yet invasive species in many parts of the world, is seen eating a leaf. Credit: Courtesy of Analia Lanteri/Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de La Plata, Argentina Research from Wellesley University reveals that despite being a clonal insect variety, weevils utilize genetics policy to adjust to brand-new food...

Calling Through the DNA Cord: A Recently Discovered Genetic “Switch Over.”

Illustration. Credit: Yuval Robichek, Weizmann Institute of Science According to the Weizmann Institute of Scientific scientists, proteins can connect through DNA, performing a long-distance dialogue that functions as a type of genetic "switch." They discovered that the binding of proteins to one point of a DNA molecule could affect an additional binding point at a...

Genetically Modified Trees are Seen as a Solution by These Scientists to Absorb Excess Carbon in the World

Credit: Lead Image © Mulderphoto / Adobe Stock In grade school, Charles DeLisi had his first indication of changes in the environment. He lived in a very wooded area, with trees filling his neighborhood, which was very fortunate since he loved to play in the forest. However, one of the saddest events of his...

Alcohol Use May Affect Future Generations Pre-Conception

Credit: Pixabay The environment in which a person lives, including their home, family, and community, influences their health. Researchers examining these social determinants of health are exploring whether genetics or upbringing has a greater impact on an individual's ability to combat disease. I am a developmental physiologist researching how alcohol consumption impacts fetal development and long-term health. While...

Scientists have Found Out Why Humans no Longer have Tails

Scientists have discovered why humans no longer have tails© iStock About 25 million years ago, an evolutionary divergence happened between our ancestors—the early humans and apes—and monkeys, leading to the loss of tails in our lineage. The specific genetic mutation behind this change, however, has been unknown until recently. In a recent study published in Nature, scientists...

DNA-Shedder Status May Impact Crime Scene Investigations

A new study shows that different people transfer different amounts of genetic material to items that they touchDepositphotos If you’ve ever watched CSI, you know that suspects often leave incriminating DNA traces at crime scenes. However, a recent study suggests that the amount of this genetic material could also indicate a person’s guilt or innocence....

How Your Food Choices Can Contribute to Anxiety and Depression

Credit: Depositphotos The familiar "sugar high" after enjoying a sweet treat is a well-known example of how food can positively impact mood. Conversely, the experience of feeling "hangry"—where hunger leads to anger or irritability—demonstrates how our diet, or lack thereof, can also trigger negative emotions. Recent research indicates that fluctuations in blood sugar levels play a role...

Five Distinct Patterns of Brain Aging Uncovered by 50,000 Scans

Some parts of the brain tend to atrophy and deform in concert with other regions. Credit: Zephyr/SPL A comprehensive analysis of nearly 50,000 brain scans has identified five unique patterns of brain atrophy linked to aging and neurodegenerative diseases. The study also connected these patterns to lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, as...

Researchers May Have Found a Way to Save Bananas

Credit: Depositphotos Did you know that the bananas we eat now differ from those consumed a few generations ago? Today's common banana is the Cavendish variety, while the Gros Michel variety, which was widely available until the 1950s, was decimated by a disease known as Fusarium wilt of banana (FWB). The Fusarium wilt that devastated the...