Search Results - human

Africa’s AI Innovations for Global Impact

Scientist and manager at IBM Research Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, shares insights into Africa's AI innovations and their potential global impact. Let's delve into the key points and implications discussed in her presentation. Background and Context Aisha's journey into AI research in Africa is rooted in her diverse experiences, from her academic pursuits in computer science...

Man Hospitalized with Rare Virus after Monkey Bite in Hong Kong

Credit: Pixabay The Centre for Health Protection in Hong Kong has disclosed that a rare virus has left a 37-year-old man in critical condition in intensive care after diagnosis. The virus, known as herpesvirus simiae or 'B virus', naturally resides in the urine, feces, and saliva of macaques, commonly encountered in various public areas across Hong...

Incredible: Total Solar Eclipse Huge for Scientists. Here’s Why

Credit: Depositphotos When an uncommon total solar eclipse passes over North America next Monday, scientists will have the opportunity to collect invaluable information ranging from the Sun's atmosphere to peculiar animal behaviors, and even potential impacts on humans. During the Sun's near-peak activity in its 11-year solar cycle, an awe-inspiring sight awaits: the corona will illuminate...

Unraveling the Hype: The Truth About Moringa’s Nutritional Value

Moringa, often hailed as the "miracle tree," has garnered significant attention for its supposed health benefits. But does it truly live up to the hype, or is it just another overblown health trend? In this article, we delve into the scientific evidence behind moringa's nutritional value and potential health impacts. The Miracle Tree: Fact or...

Sulfur Injection into Atmosphere, Potential Hazards

Credit: Pixabay As climate indicators worsen, demands for radical technological solutions intensify. Yet, numerous studies consistently reveal that embracing forced geoengineering involves significant perilous consequences. Fresh research cautions against the potential consequences of injecting sulfate particles into the atmosphere as a means to replicate the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions by reflecting sunlight. If these particles...

Countries in Crisis May Unilaterally Hack the Global Climate

Credit: Pixabay The landmark Paris climate accord sparked a rallying cry among developing nations: "1.5 to survive." This signifies the global goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) above preindustrial levels. However, it's anticipated that this threshold will be exceeded within the next decade, with global warming showing minimal signs of...

Air Conditioning Units Help catch Criminals by Collecting their DNA

A recent study shows that identifiable airborne DNA can be extracted from a room's air conditioner – and in some cases, even just from the air itself. credit: Pixabay Even if a perpetrator wears gloves, their DNA may still persist in the air of a room after they leave. A recent study suggests that if...

Hyundai’s DAL-e Bot Tackles Morning Coffee Deliveries

Heading for food/beverage and parcel delivery applications in indoor environments like offices and hotels, the DLA-e can carry up to 16 cups of coffee for distribution to customers identified via AI facial recognition, or up to 10 kg of packagesHyundai Motor Group/Kia Hyundai and Kia are targeting office mailroom tasks with the launch of the...

Stunning Brain Scans Captured by World’s Most Powerful MRI

An image of a human brain captured with the new Iseult MRI machine at a power of 11.7 Teslas, showing the level of detail possibleCEA The world's most powerful MRI machine has begun to demonstrate its capabilities by conducting scans of living human brains. These images offer an ultra-high-resolution view of the brain, aiding in...

Scientists Boost Crop Yields with CO2-Capturing Rock Dust on Fields

The application of dust produced via "enhanced rock weathering" has been found to significantly increase soybean and maize yieldsDepositphotos A recent study by scientists from the University of Sheffield's Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation indicates that using crushed rock on farmers' fields could reduce greenhouse gases and increase crop yields by up to 16%. The...