Search Results - human

67-Year-Old ALS Patient Receives Revolutionary Brain Chip from Synchron just as Neuralink did lately

Mark found out he had ALS in 2020, and he's already lost a lot of his ability to move, like using his phone or eating by himself. Image Credit CNN Mark, who is 67 years old, found out he had ALS in 2020. Over time, he's been losing his ability to do things like using...

Elon Musk Warns of AI Power and Transformer Shortages by 2025

Elon Musk gave a closing Q&A (albeit a remote one) at the Bosch Connected World conferenceBosch Connected World conference "I've never witnessed a technological advancement as rapid as this." Although the chip shortage might be resolving, Elon Musk warns that the exponential growth of AI and EVs will lead to electricity and transformer shortages next...

Odysseus Broke his Leg Landing from an Overlooked Laser Switch

Image from Odysseus showing the broken leg and the plume from the throttling engineIntuitive Machines As the Odysseus Moon lander approaches its final hours, an unexpected development adds a twist to its narrative: during landing, one of its legs broke due to a series of errors stemming from a missed safety procedure on Earth prior...

Mussels, Silkworms Team Up Against Bleeding and Infections

The experimental internal wound dressing incorporates both mussel adhesive protein (MAP) and silkworm-derived silk fibroin (SF). Credit: Pixaobay In the near future, mussels and silkworms could indirectly contribute to saving lives. Researchers have harnessed proteins from these creatures to create an internal wound dressing that halts bleeding and protects against infections. Typically, to stop bleeding from...

Ex-Student Competitor’s Journey to NASA Engineer

This picture shows Meredith Patterson when she was a first-year student at North Carolina State University. She's putting together the rocket used by the university's high-powered rocketry club for NASA's 2019 Student Launch. Patterson was part of the club and joined in the Student Launch for five years until she graduated. She then made...

Self-Fueling Synthetic Protein Motor “Mows”

'The Lawnmower' represents a groundbreaking achievement as the inaugural synthetic molecular motor capable of self-propulsion, deriving energy from its action of cutting through proteins, which are artificially generated by AI through DALL-E. The body uses tiny machines made of proteins to do important jobs. These machines help with things like cell division and moving around...

NASA Altered Asteroid’s Shape with Hard Impact

This is likely the first and best image we'll ever get of Didymos and Dimorphos together like this.Image credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL In September 2022, NASA did a big test in space. They sent the DART mission to crash into an asteroid moon called Dimorphos, which orbits a bigger asteroid named Didymos. It was the...

Cystic Fibrosis Breakthrough: Zinc as an Infection Fighter

Zinc can restore immune function and reduce lung infections in people with cystic fibrosisAI-generated by DALL-E Researchers have identified zinc as crucial for combating lung infections in individuals with cystic fibrosis, as the genetic mutation responsible for the disease diminishes the natural ability of their immune cells to fight bacteria. This discovery may lead to...

Bloodborne Pathogens Swiftly Identified by Melting their DNA

Lead scientist Stephanie Fraley works with one of the possibly infected blood samples used in the studyDavid Baillot/UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering A new technique that melts bacterial DNA in blood samples could diagnose life-threatening infections faster than before. Typically, to detect harmful bacteria in a person's bloodstream, a blood sample is cultured in...

Using Olfactory Cells to Repair Osteoarthritis-Damaged Knees

A clinical trial will investigate the use of nose cartilage to regenerate knee joints severely worn by osteoarthritisDepositphotos Researchers, having previously demonstrated that a small amount of nasal cartilage can repair knee injuries, are now prepared to initiate a clinical trial to investigate its potential in regenerating severely worn-down joints affected by osteoarthritis. Successful outcomes...