Search Results - human

All-Terrain Exoskeleton: Your Superhuman E-Hiker

Recreational exoskeletons aim to do for hiking, climbing and running what ebikes have done for cycling, letting people rise above their physical limitationsDnsys If you considered the Hypershell a one-off oddity, think again. More AI-powered outdoor exoskeletons are on the horizon, aimed at assisting casual adventurers in covering greater distances with ease and speed. Up next...

Teaching Humanoids to Take over Manual Labor Duties

H2O - the first demonstration of real-time, whole-body humanoid robot teleoperationLeCAR Lab at CMU Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) scientists have created H2O – Human2HumanOid – a reinforcement learning system enabling a life-sized humanoid robot to be remotely controlled by a human in real-time using just an RGB camera. This raises the question: could manual labor...

GPT-4 82% More Persuasive than Humans, AI now Reads Emotions

AIs are learning to track human emotional responses in real-time, by watching our faces and listening to the tone in our voicesHume AI New research indicates that GPT-4 surpasses the average human in influencing opinions, especially as it acquires more information about us. With the ability to observe us in real-time, AI appears poised to...

Humans Have a Vital Sixth Sense for Health

Credit: Depositphotos While most people are familiar with the traditional five senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste), not everyone is aware of our additional sense known as interoception. Interoception pertains to our perception of the body's internal state. It enables us to sense and comprehend internal signals regulating crucial bodily functions such as hunger, thirst,...

First Human Receives Gene-Edited Pig Kidney Transplant

Surgeons Nahel Elias (left) and Tatsuo Kawai (right) performing the landmark transplantation surgery of a pig kidney into a human patientMassachusetts General Hospital For the first time, a genetically modified pig kidney has been successfully implanted into a living patient. The recipient is reportedly recovering well weeks after the procedure, sparking optimism for a larger...

Scientists have found Answers to Why Humans don’t have Tails.

Tails serve various purposes, yet unlike vervet monkeys seen in Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda, humans' nearest primate ancestors shed these appendages roughly 25 million years ago. ImageBROKER/Shutterstock Humans are special, but we're missing something common in many animals with spines: a tail. Why this is has been a bit of a mystery. Tails are helpful...

Supervolcano Eruption Sheds Light on Human Migration from Africa

A volcanic eruption. Credit: Pixabay Contrary to previous assumptions regarding the migration of modern humans out of Africa, it is suggested that some movement may have been prompted not by 'green corridors,' but by hardship or deprivation. A recent analysis involving volcanic glass discovered in Ethiopia suggests that humans inhabited regions experiencing potential drought conditions in...

NVIDIA Aims to Speed Up Humanoid Development with Project GR00T

NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang plans to put the company at the center of humanoid robot development with the launch of Project GR00TNVIDIA NVIDIA recently revealed its plans to develop a novel AI platform catering to major players in humanoid robot advancement. This platform is rooted in a versatile foundational model, likely drawing inspiration...

Key to Lyme Disease Prevention Found in Human Sweat?

It is estimated that around 476,000 Americans could receive a diagnosis of Lyme disease this year. gabort – New hope may be on the horizon in the battle against Lyme disease, an illness transmitted by ticks that can sometimes lead to long-term health problems. A recent study conducted by researchers from MIT and the University...

Microplastics Found in Human Organs, Even Brain, Study Says

A recent study on mice reveals that microplastics might lead to changes in behavior. Image credited by EuroNews According to a fresh investigation, microplastics could be as prevalent inside the body as they are in the environment.In the study, scientists exposed mice to varying amounts of microplastics through drinking water and observed how these particles...