Search Results - electrode

Superaerophobic Polyethyleneimine Hydrogels Improve Electrochemical Hydrogen Manufacturing by Promoting Bubble Detachment

The scheme for a mechanism of bubble-detachment. a) Normal flat electrode, b) the problems of adhered bubbles, and c) various approaches for the removal of gas bubbles. In (a), R, ρ, g, and λ indicate the dimension of bubbles, the density of a solution, gravitational acceleration constant, and surface tension of a solution, respectively....

A Memory Prosthesis Can Restore Memory in Individuals with Damaged Brains

Wake forest medical center Brain electrodes developed to mimic the hippocampus appear to increase the encoding of memories-- and are two times as effective in people with bad memory. A singular form of brain stimulation seems to boost people's capability to remember new details-- by imitating how our brains create memories. Memory prosthesis The "memory prosthesis," which includes...

A Brain Stimulant Powered by Breath Rather than Batteries

UConn researchers have developed a way of charging deep brain stimulators that don't require the battery power that's currently standard. Credit: University of Connecticut Implantable deep brain stimulators could aid lots of people with neurological and psychiatric illnesses when conventional therapies stop functioning. Nevertheless, surgery every time the batteries have to be transformed is a...

Brain Cells on a Chip Discover to Play Pong within 5 Mins

Researchers developed a "DishBrain" system that associated neurons to a computer running the typical computer game Pong. Within five minutes, the cells commenced "learning" and improved their efficiency. The device of "learning" could entail the free-energy concept, according to which the brain searches for to lessen entropy (unpredictability) in its atmosphere. Recently research announced in...

Researchers Unveil Mystery Inside Lithium-Oxygen Batteries

The distributions and sizes of lithium peroxide on the end surfaces of C-AAO electrodes and inside them. Credit: Prof. TAN Peng's team With a high power density, Li-O2 batteries have become a state-of-the-art battery Innovation. Inside the Li-O2 battery, the generation and disintegration of the discharged product solid lithium peroxide (Li2O2) have a significant impact...

A Scientist Just Accidentally Developed A Battery That Could Last A Lifetime

A nanowire compared to a human hair. Poor battery life is the number one issue when it comes to smartphones and laptops. As a wireless society, having to secure ourselves to power up our gadgets seems more and more a nuisance. Furthermore, while scientists are looking into wireless charging, we would have to worry less...

Self-Assembled Logic Circuits Made From Proteins

Researchers have developed self-assembled, protein-based circuits that can do simple logic functions in proof-of-concept research. The work demonstrates that it is possible to develop stable digital circuits that benefit from an electron's properties at quantum scales. Molecular circuits One of the stumbling blocks in developing molecular circuits is that the circuits become unreliable as the circuit...

Experiments on Parabolic Flight Test Oxygen-Evolving Electrolysis

Researchers have carried out experiments on a parabolic flight to examine the efficiency of oxygen-evolving electrolysis on the Moon and Mars. Researchers Bethany Lomax and Gunter Just conducting experiments on a parabolic flight. Credit: Manchester University The discovery from the Universities of Manchester and Glasgow is stated to supply beneficial insights into establishing human habitats far...

DETI Brain Mapping Technique Reveals Neural Code of Vision Handling With Time

DETI mapping results from the brain of a person viewing one of the stimuli used in the experiment (far left). The central column shows a flattened topographical map of the electrodes over the back of the head, illustrating the variation of DETI maps at each electrode across that scalp region. On the right-hand side,...

A Smart Artificial Pancreas Could Dominate Diabetes This wearable gadget detects blood sugar and also carries out insulin as necessary IN SOME WAYS, THIS IS A FAMILY STORY. Peter Kovatchev was a naval designer who raised his kid, Boris, as a trouble solver and constructed version ships with his granddaughter, Anna. He additionally dealt with a form of diabetes in which the...