Search Results - chemistry

Human Activities have a Big Impact on Deep Subsurface Fluid Flow

Credit: Pixabay The effects of human activities, including greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation, on Earth's surface have been extensively researched. Recently, hydrology experts from the University of Arizona delved into the influence of human actions on the deep subsurface of the Earth, an area located hundreds of meters to several kilometers below the surface. "We examined...

AI-Created Gene Editing Tools Successfully Alter Human DNA

Applying AI to our genetic code might raise some alarm bells but for the moment, the benefits outweigh the negativesDALL-E In the medical field, AI assists in detecting issues like irregular heart rhythms and identifying skin cancer. However, is AI's involvement in our genome necessary? Profluent, a protein-design company established in 2022 in Berkeley, California,...

Aspirin’s Role in Stopping Colorectal Cancer Progression

Scientists believe aspirin helps activate more immune cells to effectively fight cancer growth. Credit: Pixabay Approximately 29 million people in the US regularly take aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease. Despite concerns about increased bleeding risks with age, recent findings suggest aspirin could also boost the immune system to combat certain cancers. Recent studies have indicated that...

Sulfur Injection into Atmosphere, Potential Hazards

Credit: Pixabay As climate indicators worsen, demands for radical technological solutions intensify. Yet, numerous studies consistently reveal that embracing forced geoengineering involves significant perilous consequences. Fresh research cautions against the potential consequences of injecting sulfate particles into the atmosphere as a means to replicate the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions by reflecting sunlight. If these particles...

World’s Fastest Camera Shoots at 156.3 Trillion Frames/sec

The new camera can reportedly capture events that occur in the realm of femtosecondsDepositphotos Engineers at the INRS Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre in Canada have created the fastest camera in the world, capable of capturing images at an incredible speed of 156.3 trillion frames per second (fps). Typically, the slow-motion cameras found in smartphones operate...

New Experiments Suggest Life Could Endure Venus’ Sulfuric Acid Clouds

Amino acids essential to life are surprisingly stable in Venus' sulfuric acid clouds, suggests a new studyJAXA/J. J. Petkowski While Venus may seem inhospitable to us, there's a possibility that certain life forms could adapt to its conditions. A recent investigation by MIT reveals that the essential components of life remain remarkably stable in highly...

Researchers Reveal Healthier Way to Cook Broccoli

Credit: Pixabay In recent times, broccoli has become renowned for its abundance of a highly beneficial compound known as sulforaphane. Given preliminary research suggesting its potential in regulating blood sugar and possibly offering anti-cancer properties, the popularity of broccoli supplements is on the rise. However, a study in 2011 revealed that consuming the whole vegetable provides...

Scientists Discovered and Deactivated a Brain Fear Switch

Credit: Pixaobay The sensation of hairs standing on end, the cold sensation in the stomach, the rapid heartbeat triggered by a sudden movement in the shadows—these experiences evoke fear. Fear, while capable of causing distress and discomfort, can also be oddly exhilarating. However, it serves a crucial purpose as an instinctual reaction to danger, potentially...

Breakthrough: Protein Combatting Aging & Disease

Scientists found a protein that might help treat illnesses linked to getting older. This protein helps remove broken parts of cells called organelles. Organelles do important work in cells and are crucial for their function. Among these organelles are mitochondria, which create energy in cells, and lysosomes, which maintain cell health. Damage to these small...

A New Variant of Magnetism Promises More Powerful Memory Devices

Credit: Unsplash. New research has unveiled two or three types of magnetism, introducing the possibility of a highly sought-after magnetic property. While early compass users may have perceived magnets as mystical, the scientific understanding of magnetism has evolved. In addition to ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism, a third type, altermagnetism, has been identified, challenging previous descriptions of...