Search Results - eclipse

Implications of Cloud Study for Climate Engineering

Shadows cast during a partial eclipse. Image source: Yvonne Hanson/ A recent study discovered that certain types of clouds vanish during solar eclipses, shedding light on why it happens. This finding might affect efforts to control the climate. During solar eclipses, people have noticed that regular cumulus clouds over land disappear quickly. The lead author of...

Solar, Wood, and Bacteria Together in Water Purification

A group of scientists in China has created an innovative solar-powered contraption that effectively cleanses water, making it safe for consumption. Credit: eduardkraft/Depositphotos The University of Science and Technology of China has made a breakthrough in water purification by introducing a unique wooden device that utilizes bacteria to construct essential nanostructures, enabling evaporation as a...

Thirteen Recent Pulsars Discovered with MeerKAT

Intensity as a function of time and spin phase for the two detections of the new eclipsing redback pulsar 47 Tuc ad. Left panel: Parkes observation made on 2004/05/27. Right panel: MeerKAT discovery observation. Credit: Ridolfi et al., 2021. Utilizing the MeerKAT radio telescope, astronomers from the Max Planck Institution for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) in...

Webb Telescope: NASA to Reveal the Deepest Picture Ever Taken of the Universe

A wonder of engineering, Webb is able to gaze further into the cosmos than any telescope before it thanks to its enormous primary mirror and its instruments that focus on infrared, allowing it peer through dust and gas. NASA administrator Bill Nelson stated Wednesday that the agency will reveal the "inmost picture of our universe...

Supernova Requiem: Rerun of Enormous Blast From Exploding Star Expected To Appear in 2037

Titan Galaxy Cluster Magnifies the Light from a Distant Supernova and Splits It into Multiple Images Individuals over the centuries have not been reluctant to make forecasts concerning the future. However, a few of them should have maintained their projections to themselves. The head of state of the Michigan Savings Bank, as an example, forecasted...

The 2000 Year Old Greek Astronomical Calculator: Experts Recreate a Mechanical Cosmos for the Globe’s First Computer

Cosmos Display at the front of the Antikythera Mechanism, showing the positions of the Sun, Moon, and five planets as well as the phase of the Moon and the nodes of the Moon. Copyright © 2020 Tony Freeth Researchers at UCL have fixed a significant piece of the challenge that makes up the ancient Greek...