Search Results - human

Nearly Half Hide the Main Reason for Feeling Unwell at Work

(Grace Cary/Getty Images) Have you ever experienced illness while at work, like food poisoning or the flu? Symptoms like stomach pain or fatigue can hinder your ability to focus and be productive. Would you feel comfortable informing your boss about your illness and needing to leave work? While employees might openly discuss a stomachache, many individuals who...

The Mysterious Dead Sea: A Salty Enigma

Credit: Canvas The Dead Sea, nestled between Jordan, Israel, and Palestine, isn't your average sea. It's more like a big, salty bathtub with no outlet! Imagine that! Why so Salty? Well, it's all about the salt. The Dead Sea slurps up water from the Jordan River but doesn't let any out. So, when the water evaporates, it...

Giant Marine Reptile Challenges Blue Whale’s Size

An artist's impression of Ichthyotitan severnensis washed up on a beach, while some curious dinosaurs investigateSergey Krasovskiy A newly identified marine reptile species may have been the largest to ever inhabit the world's oceans. Dubbed the "giant fish lizard," this creature existed over 200 million years ago and could rival the size of the blue whale. Ichthyosaurs, a...

It’s Official: Researchers Finally Verified What Is Inside the Moon

An illustration of a full moon in the night sky. The decision is in, then. After all, the Moon is not composed of green cheese. According to a detailed analysis released in May 2023, the Moon's inner core is a solid ball with a density akin to iron. Resolving this long-running controversy – is it solid...

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Runner’s High: The Neuroscience Behind the Euphoria

Revealing the Enigma of the Runner's High. Thought you had the post-workout rush all figured out? Prepare for a surprise twist. Credit: Unsplash. The "runner's high" phenomenon has long divided enthusiasts into two camps: fervent believers and adamant skeptics. While not everyone experiences a euphoric rush following vigorous exercise, the runner's high is tangible. But what sparks...

Scientists Demonstrate Brain Changes During Menstruation

Credit: Depositphotos The fluctuating hormones of the menstrual cycle not only impact reproductive anatomy but also influence brain structure. A recent study sheds light on this brain remodeling process. A team of researchers led by neuroscientists Elizabeth Rizor and Viktoriya Babenko from the University of California Santa Barbara studied 30 menstruating women to track the...

Microsoft AI Turns a Single Photo into Realistic Talking Videos

The VASA-1 AI model can generate realistic talking head video footage from a single reference photo, which is lip-synced to an audio trackMicrosoft Research Asia Microsoft Research Asia has unveiled an AI model capable of producing incredibly lifelike deepfake videos using just a single image and an audio clip. This development raises concerns about the...

Get Ready: A Huge Cicada Swarm is Coming to the US

Credit: Depositphotos Following North America's recent solar eclipse, another significant natural phenomenon is approaching. Between late April and June 2024, the largest group of 13-year cicadas, known as Brood XIX, will emerge alongside a midwestern group of 17-year cicadas, Brood XIII. This phenomenon will impact 17 states, stretching from Maryland to Iowa and extending southward into...

Rare Evolutionary Event: Two Lifeforms Merge

The algae Braarudosphaera bigelowii has been found to have absorbed a cyanobacteria called UCYN-A, which may be a huge step forward for evolutionTyler Coale Scientists have witnessed a once-in-a-billion-year evolutionary event where two lifeforms merge, creating an organism with enhanced abilities. The last occurrence led to the emergence of plants on Earth. Known as primary endosymbiosis, this phenomenon...

AI robots can Now Self-Repair Other Bots

The Aloha Unleashed manipulator arms set up a robot repair shop, seen here autonomously replacing the gripper of another service robotAyzaan Wahid In January, researchers demonstrated the culinary abilities of an open-source Aloha housekeeping robot. Now, the Unleashed project tackles tasks like tying shoelaces, hanging shirts, and even repairing other robots. The Aloha Unleashed initiative involves...