Search Results - hydrogen

Juno Alters Europa’s Life Prospects

Europa as seen from JunoNASA Information gathered by NASA's Juno spacecraft orbiting Jupiter indicates that Europa, one of its moons, generates approximately 26 pounds (12 kilograms) of oxygen per second, a significantly lower amount than previously thought. This discovery alters the likelihood of discovering life in Europa's underground ocean. Since the initial Voyager missions that...

AI Predicts Real-Time Plasma Instabilities in Nuclear Fusion Reactor

Engineers Employ AI to Manage Fusion Power Integration into the Grid. Credit: Google DeepMind Deep within the confines of the tokamak, a toroidal chamber sculpted to embrace the marvels of nuclear fusion, hydrogen atoms collide with immense force, birthing a searing plasma hotter than the sun. Nuclear fusion is key to sustainable energy, leveraging hydrogen isotopes,...

Rich Offshore Geothermal Potential at Diverging Crust

Seafloor spreading rifts could offer some of the world's best geothermal resources, according to CGGCGG A groundbreaking and largely untapped energy source awaits beneath the ocean floor, as outlined in a whitepaper by geoscience technology consultancy CGG. Distinctive conditions beneath the seabed offer the potential for more affordable and readily accessible geothermal energy. Solar and wind...

Decarbonize 85% of All Industries Using Current Technology

Researchers say the tools already exist to decarbonize industry by 85%AI-generated by DALL-E (love those grassy smokestacks!) The industrial sector contributes approximately 25% of worldwide CO2 emissions, equivalent to around 9.3 billion metric tonnes annually, and this figure is increasing. However, a group at the University of Leeds asserts that we don't have to rely...

Hubble Space Telescope Detects Water Vapor in Atmosphere of Small Exoplanet

Credit: Unsplash. Astronomers utilizing the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have observed GJ 9827d, the smallest exoplanet known to have water vapor in its atmosphere. With a diameter approximately twice that of Earth, this distant planet could provide insights into the prevalence of water-rich atmospheres around other stars in our galaxy. Discovery and Characteristics GJ 9827d, discovered by...

What Does Meth Do To The Brain?

Credit: Pixaobay Methamphetamine intake triggers heightened activity in the brain, resulting in a swift surge of dopamine and various neurotransmitters. This induces temporary euphoria, including sensations of invincibility, intense pleasure, heightened motivation and energy, and other psychoactive impacts. Meth is a highly addictive substance, contributing to the demise of brain cells, particularly neurons, and causing...

James Webb’s Discovery: Milky Way’s Heart Revealed

The NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) tool aboard NASA's James Webb Space Telescope presents a fresh perspective on a segment of the Milky Way's dense core. Approximately 500,000 stars illuminate the Sagittarius C (Sgr C) region in this image, featuring some yet-to-be-identified elements. In cyan, a substantial area of ionized hydrogen reveals fascinating needle-like formations that...

Low-Carbon Footprint Ammonia for Eco-Friendly Fertilizers

Credit: Yale E360 Researchers at UNSW Sydney, alongside collaborators, have pioneered an eco-friendly technique enabling ammonia production directly on farms, revolutionizing the traditional high-energy methods. The innovation, highlighted in a recent Applied Catalysis B: Environmental publication, drastically improves energy efficiency, scaling up green ammonia synthesis at an industrial level. Formerly reliant on energy-intensive processes contributing significantly...

Liquid Metals Could Be Used as Green Catalysts in Chemical Engineering Processes

Liquid gallium in a Petri dish. Credit: University of Sydney/Philip Ritchie Researchers have unveiled a groundbreaking approach that leverages liquid metals to transform and "green" the chemical industry. This innovative technique could replace the energy-intensive methods rooted in the early 20th century, offering a much-needed shift away from solid catalysts. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Chemical production contributes...

Addressing the Climate Crisis Through Diet

Credit: medium Agriculture proves to be one of the most challenging human activities to reduce carbon emissions, as it is an essential part of life, yet the land-use practices connected to crop cultivation contribute to approximately 25% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists from the University of California, Irvine, and other research institutions are...