Search Results - hydrogen

Discovering Ammonia’s Potential as a Fuel

An economic cycle of ammonia from production to utilization. Credit: Wiley Online Library. As the world strives to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and make the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources, alternative fuels have been at the forefront of innovation. Among these alternatives, ammonia, a common industrial chemical, has been gaining attention...

Harnessing Sunlight to Convert Wastewater into Valuable Chemicals

Schematic Illustrating Solar-Driven Chemical Production from Engineered V. natriegens and Wastewater Contaminants for Sustainable and Efficient Processes. Credit: Nature Sustainability (2023). A groundbreaking study led by Prof. Gao Xiang from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Prof. Lu Lu from the Harbin Institute of Technology introduces an innovative method...

Asteroid Discovery Suggests Widespread Liquid Water

A striking view of Asteroid Itokawa, as captured by the Hayabusa spacecraft. This S-type asteroid, known for its distinctive peanut shape, boasts a diameter of roughly 1,100 feet and completes a full rotation every 12 hours. Credit: JAXA. A recent breakthrough in asteroid research by the Japanese Hayabusa spacecraft has profound implications for our understanding...

Unveiling New Possibilities: Positron-Ion Crystal Interactions Explored

In a groundbreaking exploration, a research team, including Professor Yasuyuki Nagashima from Tokyo University of Science (TUS), Japan, has opened a new avenue for investigating the interactions between positrons and ionic crystals. Their collaborative efforts, documented in Physical Review Letters, feature the contributions of Dr. Takayuki Tachibana, a former Assistant Professor at TUS, currently affiliated...

Down Goes Antimatter! Gravity’s Effect on Matter’s Elusive Twin is Revealed

Credit: The conversation In a groundbreaking laboratory experiment, scientists have definitively determined the trajectory of individual antihydrogen atoms when dropped, concluding that antimatter falls downwards. This discovery confirms the gravitational attraction between antimatter and regular matter, eliminating the possibility of gravitational repulsion as an explanation for the scarcity of antimatter in the observable universe. Researchers from...

An Enigmatic Unseen Influence Is Producing Water on the Moon.

Credit: Pixaobay While we are aware of the existence of lunar ice, its origin remains somewhat uncertain. A recent investigation proposes that streams of electrons, which indirectly originate from both Earth and the Sun, are playing a role in the creation of frozen water on the Moon's surface. These electrons impact the Moon when it traverses...

NASA’s TESS Mission has Detected a Small Exoplanet Resembling Neptune in Size

The Target Pixel File (TPF) for TOI-332 (marked as a white cross) from TESS S1. Credit: Osborn et al., 2023. By employing NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), a group of astronomers from around the world has detected a fresh, substantial, and compact exoplanet. This recently discovered extraterrestrial planet, named TOI-332 b, ranks among the...

5 Reasons to Halt Biomass Imports for Bioenergy

Incorrect way of using biomass for energy generation. Co-authored by Rita Frost, this post delves into the environmental impacts of biomass. Whether using wood or fossil fuels for energy, both contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbate climate change. The practice of importing biomass or fossil fuels for energy production has significant consequences for climate change...

AI Unveils Genes Shaping Human Skeletons

A new study has pinpointed the genes that shape our skeletons. Credit: The University of Texas at Austin Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and New York Genome Center have harnessed AI (artificial intelligence) to analyze an extensive collection of X-ray images and genetic sequences, identifying genes responsible for shaping various aspects of...

The Petroleum and Gas Drilling Engineer, Talks about Renewable Energy

"I believe that renewable energies are the solution to climate problems. Human irresponsibility, through less environmentally-friendly practices and the emission of harmful gases, is the root cause of the climate changes occurring worldwide"- Verônica Choconeza Verônica Choconeza Startup Nzolani Renewable CEO,Veronica. Veronica Choconesa is an engineer who works with drilling for oil and gas. She cares a...