Tag - Drugs

Certain Drugs May Reduce Dementia Risk—A Neuroscientist Explains How

Credit: PixabayDementia has no cure, and while some new drugs may slow its progression, they remain expensive and only marginally effective for many. However, a recent Cambridge-led study links commonly used prescription drugs—such as antibiotics, antivirals, and vaccines—to a lower risk of dementia.Since these drugs are already approved with well-known safety profiles, they could...

Experts Express Concerns Over Potential Muscle Loss from Drugs Like Ozempic

Credit: DepositphotosMedications such as Ozempic and Wegovy are well-known for their ability to aid weight loss, but some scientists are now investigating how these drugs may affect muscle mass.In a recent commentary published in The Lancet, an international group of researchers highlights the lack of sufficient studies on the impact of GLP-1 receptor agonists...

Drugs that Reverse Diabetes Increase Insulin-Producing Cells by 700%

Credit: PixabayPeople living with diabetes may find renewed hope with a recent scientific breakthrough. Researchers have tested a novel drug therapy in diabetic mice and observed a remarkable 700% increase in insulin-producing cells over three months, effectively reversing the diseaseBreakthrough in Insulin-Producing Cell RegenerationIn diabetes, the body's destruction or damage to beta cells in...

What Occurs To Drugs After They Leave Your Organism?

Humans use a vast array of pharmaceuticals to stay healthy—what do those drugs and their breakdown products mean for the health of groundwater ecosystems? Credit: SharonDawn/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0Engulfing a pill merely seems to make it disappear. In reality, drugs sooner or later leave your organism and go into waterways, where they can suffer more...