Search Results - genetic

Amino Acid Alterations in Sperm Linked to Infertility

Crédito: Sperm play a vital role in creating new life, contributing half of the required genetic material for fertilization. Researchers at the University of Michigan are now delving into the molecular-level details of sperm formation, focusing on protamines—a unique group of proteins that package sperm DNA. Understanding the significance of protamines may shed light on...

Scientists Find the Key to Virgin Birth and Enable it in Female Flies

Credit: Pixaobay Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery by identifying the genetic cause of virgin birth in an unexpected species, the fruit fly ''Drosophila melanogaster''. Once this ability is activated in a female fruit fly, it can be inherited by successive generations. In this process, females can reproduce either sexually with the presence of males...

The  Ancient African Continent DNA Revelation! The Amazing Truth

We all have heard of Africa as the "cradle of humankind" or the "fountain of humankind”, due to the earliest evidence of human ancestors found here. A new research show on how the African ancestor mixture and a couple of truths on how they lived and connected came to light. A group of 44 researchers...

AI Unveils Genes Shaping Human Skeletons

A new study has pinpointed the genes that shape our skeletons. Credit: The University of Texas at Austin Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and New York Genome Center have harnessed AI (artificial intelligence) to analyze an extensive collection of X-ray images and genetic sequences, identifying genes responsible for shaping various aspects of...

Researchers Discover Genes that Directly Impact Our Food Choices

Credit: Unsplash. Research team leader Joanne Cole, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, stated that they have identified genes associated with sensory pathways, including taste, smell, and texture, which may also impact the brain's reward response. However, these genes could potentially be utilized...

Insect Communities May Face Significant Disruption and Disorder Due to Climate Change

Credit: Unsplash. What occurs when climate change is introduced into the equation is the potential for the emergence of new species worldwide, as various organism groups become distinct and follow separate evolutionary paths. In the publication "Contrasting effects of warming in diverging insects," which was recently released in Ecology Letters, Thomas H.Q. Powell, an assistant lecturer...

Combination Therapy a One-Two Punch to KO Aggressive Brain Cancer

Credit: Unsplash. A recent research investigation revealed that the combination of radiotherapy and a virus designed to target cancer cells proved to be more successful in treating a challenging and fatal type of brain tumor compared to the individual use of either therapy. The National Brain Tumor Society reports that glioblastoma (GB) constitutes slightly more than half,...

DNA Can Adopt Intricate Configurations, Enabling it to Perform Novel Functions

illustration of the structure of DNA. Credit: Unsplash. A recent study led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health, has found that DNA has the ability to imitate protein functions by adopting intricate and three-dimensional structures. A recent study, published in...

Evolutionary Fuel: Researchers Study Maintenance of an Ancient Chromosomal Inversion

Stick insects, Timema knulli, on a Redwood tree branch. Utah State University evolutionary geneticist Zach Gompert and colleagues studied a chromosomal inversion in the species and report findings in the June 12, 2023, online edition of PNAS. Credit: Moritz Muschick. According to Zachariah Gompert, an evolutionary geneticist from Utah State University, genetic diversity serves as the...

Crocodile’s ‘Virgin Birth’ is a First for Science’s History Books

An image of a crocodile. Credit: Ray Bilcliff/ Pexels Throughout history, tales of virgin births, which involve the production of offspring without fertilization, have been shared. Examples of such stories include the birth of Mars, an ancient Roman god, Horus, an ancient Egyptian god, and Qi, a figure from ancient Chinese mythology, all of whom...