Search Results - genetic

Modified Eggs May Lead To The End Of Allergies

Scientists have utilized genome editing technology to create a chicken egg with reduced allergenic properties. Image Credit: Canvas Allergies to eggs are highly prevalent among children and can be provoked by various food items, including vaccines. However, scientists have recently utilized genome editing technology to create a chicken egg that could potentially be consumed by...

Benefits of Sleeping in Complete Darkness

Most adults need 7 or more hours of good-quality sleep on a regular schedule each night. Credit: Pexels There are several benefits associated with sleeping in the dark, such as a high increase in our body immunization, low-stress levels, and more creativity, we can as well include: Improved sleep quality: Exposure to light at night can...

Amazing Images Reveal The Great White Shark’s Incredible Ability to Heal

Great white shark Credit: Great white sharks have few predators capable of dominating them. Yet their lives are not easy as they have to deal with others of the same species. Even having terrible wounds in a short time, white sharks can heal and this characteristic we also find in other species of sharks. In...

A Current Cell Model for the Human Lung

Fluorescence staining of Arlo cells. The image shows the overlay of a staining of cell nuclei (gray) and the tight junction protein 1 (blue) and was taken with a confocal laser scanning microscope. Credit: HIPS/Boese There is a very long process before the approval of a medicine, a new  drug or a healing substance. It...

Research Study Discovers Aging of Bone Marrow Accelerates Arterial Plaque Formation

Atherogenesis is depicted in a young (a) or aged (b) host. Aged monocytes/macrophages have decreased levels of the epigenetic regulator TET2, leading to reduction of the 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) mark on the Itgb3 promoter. The resulting low integrin β3 levels in aged monocytes/macrophages induces high TNFα levels, facilitating recruitment and expansion of multiple SMC progenitors...

Scientists Clarify Role of Blood Cell Mutations in Illness

Credit: CC0 Public Domain More than 10% of older adults create somatic (non-inherited) mutations in blood stem cells that could trigger explosive, clonal expansions of abnormal cells, enhancing the risk for blood cancer and heart disease. Multiple DNA sequencing techniques have been utilized to determine what is called "clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential," or CHIP. Still,...

Reconstruction of Two-Billion-Year-Old Enzyme Solves Mystery

Credit: Scitech Daily Molecular biologists and bioinformatics scientists working at One Direction The focus of the study was on a type of enzyme famed as tRNA nucleotidyltransferases, that links three building blocks of nucleotides in the C-C-A sequence to small RNAs named transfer RNAs. To supply amino acids for proteins inside the cells. Directed by Professors...

The Lethal VEXAS Syndrome is More Common Than Doctors Believed

A strange new illness might be responsible for severe, inexplicable inflammation in older men. Now, scientists have their first good look at who the disease strikes and how frequently. Credit: THOMAS BARWICK/STONE/GETTY IMAGES PLUS VEXAS syndrome, an illness discovered simply two years ago, impairs almost 1 in 4,000 men over 50, scientists estimate January 24 in...

Researchers Find the Evolutionary Secret Behind Different Animal Life Cycles

The worm that the researchers studied and for which they sequenced the genome. It is a segmented worm that is abundant on the coasts of the UK and Europe. It lives inside a tube that it secretes itself burrowed in the sand. Credit: Chema Martin. For greater than 100 years, biologists have wondered why animals...

DNA Gathered From Slave Skeletons Buried in Unmarked 18th-Century Burial Grounds Reveals Their History

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A group of scientists affiliated with numerous institutions in the united states, collaborating with members of The Anson Street African Cemetery Project, have found out some of the history behind some of the slaved buried in 18th century Charleston, South Carolina-- home to one of the busiest slave ports in American...