Search Results - genetic

Secret to Success of Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Model of O-antigen ligase enzyme from Gram-negative bacteria. Credit: Diario Salud. Scientists have identified how Gram-negative bacteria-- which cause drug-resistant pneumonia, bloodstream infections, and surgical site infections in hospitalized patients-- complete building a crucial element of their outer membrane that guards these pathogens against attacks by the immune system and antibiotics. The brand-new findings could...

Revolutionary Fungus-Based Egg White Substitute

Like traditional egg white powder, the fungus-derived ovalbumin (pictured) has excellent foaming properties.Credit: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Egg white powder is a commonly used food ingredient, which implies that many hens need to be raised on many farms, ingesting a load of feed and creating much waste. Nonetheless, there might soon be a...

Fast Adaptation in Fruit Flies

A new study reveals how male fruit fly decides to a court or ignore female – Harvard Gazette. Think development is a slow, gradual process? Inform that to fruit flies. In a brand-new report in Scientific research, researchers from the College of Pennsylvania used a regulated field experiment to reveal that flies swiftly adapted...

Scientists Target Protein to Lower the Risk of Prostate Cancer Proliferation

Prostate cancer cells. Credit: NIH Image Gallery Proteins and prostate cancer According to a study led by Cedars-Sinai Cancer investigators, targeting a particular protein that is often overexpressed in prostate cancer can help avoid or postpone the disease from infecting other parts of the body. The research study, released in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications, opens up...

Autonomously Swimming Biohybrid Fish Made From Human Cardiac Cells Reveals Secrets of Heart Physiology

The first fully autonomous biohybrid fish from human stem-cell derived cardiac muscle cells. Credit: Michael Rosnach, Keel Yong Lee, Sung-Jin Park, Kevin Kit Parker An autonomously swimming biohybrid fish, designed to emphasize two crucial regulatory functions of the human heart, has shown the relevance of feedback mechanisms in muscle pumps (such as the heart). The...

DNA From Child Burials Shows ‘Exceptionally Different’ Human Landscape in Ancient Africa

People like these Baka hunter-gatherers once ranged well beyond their current homeland in Central Africa. Credit: CYRIL RUOSO/MINDEN PICTURES Children's skeletons give genomes more than 3000 years old Central Africa is far too hot and humid for ancient DNA to survive-- or so scientists assumed. Currently, the bones of four children buried thousands of years earlier...

Genome Study Finds Unexpected Variation in a Fundamental RNA Gene

A genome study carried out by Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center scientists to search for variants in a gene thought about an essential building block for microscopic structures that manufacture proteins took a shocking twist. Human ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes are essential for constructing ribosomes or mechanisms that translate proteins. The study findings, to be...

Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals Mating Across Groups Led to Human Evolution

Credit: Natural History Museum, construction by the Kennis brothers. Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals Mating Across Groups Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals Mating Across Groups seem to be a new scientific discovery. Proof that cross-continental Stone Age networking occasions powered human evolution increased in 2021. Homo Sapiens may not have eliminated Neanderthals A long-lasting argument that Homo sapiens originated...

IHU Covid-19 New Variant – More Infectious than Omicron

IHU Covid-19 New Variant - More Infectious than Omicron It was just recently that the new variant of covid-19, Omicron, was recognized first in South Africa multiply promptly around the globe, one more new Covid-19 variation is being reported from France which is believed to be increasingly more contagious than Omicron. Scientists have called the...

How Legume Plants Provide Oxygen to Symbiotic Bacteria in their Roots

Legume Root nodules colored pink by leghaemoglobin and caused by a symbiotic relationship between the plant and beneficial bacteria. Credit: John Innes Centre The discovery of the genetics inside legume plants that manage the production of an oxygen-carrying molecule essential to their relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria is a significant breakthrough in the field of sustainable...