Search Results - solar

Incredible: Total Solar Eclipse Huge for Scientists. Here’s Why

Credit: Depositphotos When an uncommon total solar eclipse passes over North America next Monday, scientists will have the opportunity to collect invaluable information ranging from the Sun's atmosphere to peculiar animal behaviors, and even potential impacts on humans. During the Sun's near-peak activity in its 11-year solar cycle, an awe-inspiring sight awaits: the corona will illuminate...

The 2024 Solar Eclipse: A Rare and Scientific Opportunity

The Solar Eclipse The 2024 Solar Eclipse is a rare and scientific opportunity that will provide a unique and awe-inspiring experience for millions of people across North America. This event occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, causing a momentary disruption of the Earth's natural rhythms. As the eclipse takes place,...

Semi-transparent Solar Cell Achieves Groundbreaking Energy Conversion rates

Perovskite solar cell partially transparent under sunlight. Credit: KOREA INSTITUTE OF ENERGY RESEARCH(KIER) According to a recent press release, researchers at the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) have achieved a groundbreaking milestone in solar cell technology, developing perovskite-based semi-transparent solar cells with an unprecedented energy conversion efficiency of 21.68 percent. Advancements in Solar Cell Technology Solar...

The Initial 2,000 Slots for the Aptera Solar Electric Vehicle Launch Edition are Taken

Early adopters have eaten up 2,000 production slots for Aptera's Launch Edition solar EV, raising more than $33 million in the processAptera After a year-long crowdfunding campaign, the production slots for the first 2,000 Aptera Launch Edition solar electric vehicles have been claimed. This futuristic electric vehicle, introduced by a California startup in 2007, is...

Quantum Dot Solar Cells Break Efficiency Record Target Silicon Technology Surpass

Solar cells made with quantum dots have achieved a new record efficiency, and been made more stable at the same timeDepositphotos Engineers at UNIST in South Korea have significantly enhanced the efficiency of one of the most promising and emerging solar cell technologies, achieving a world record efficiency of 18.1% in quantum dot solar cells. Quantum...

The Mars Bot solar Generator Tracks the Sun to Store Electricity

Jackery's Solar Generator Mars Bot is presently being showcased at CESJackery Portable photovoltaic systems are excellent for producing electricity in remote locations, but the inconvenience of regularly relocating them to stay in sunlight can be burdensome. Jackery's Solar Generator Mars Bot presents a solution to this issue by autonomously repositioning itself. Presenting itself to the public...

Dutch Provinces Utilize Solar Cycle Paths for Renewable Energy

The provinces of North Holland and North Brabant in the Netherlands are each looking to cycle paths as a way to generate renewable energyWattway by Colas The Dutch have a strong affinity for cycling, with over 35,000 km (21,747 miles) of cycle paths weaving through the Netherlands. Two of these bike routes have been enhanced...

Mars’ Magnetosphere’s Christmas Miracle: Stillness in the Solar Wind

Under usual circumstances, the MAVEN orbiter extends well beyond the boundaries of the Martian magnetosphere. However, this changed during a solar wind void. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center The MAVEN Mars orbiter recently observed a transient restoration of the Martian magnetosphere and a temporary tripling of its ionosphere, a region where the Sun ionizes...

Giant Planet Discovery Disrupts Solar System Models

Credit: Syfy Penn State researchers have uncovered a planet significantly larger than its ultracool host star, challenging previous beliefs about planet formation. Published in Science, their findings showcase a planet more than 13 times Earth's mass orbiting a star nine times less massive than our sun. This discovery contradicts existing theories on small star planet...

Unveiling Solar Uncertainty: The Enigma of the Sun’s Size

Recent Studies Indicate the Sun is Marginally Smaller Than Official Estimates. Credit: NASA/SDO/AIA Physicists' insistence on celestial bodies being non-perfect spheres raises questions about our understanding of their true dimensions. In the case of the Sun, renowned for its familiarity, discrepancies emerge when various methods are employed to measure its size. The International Astronomical Union, in...